Happy Birthday to my big boy today. Seven years old! Time is running away without me.
Some things about Joey at 7:
*LOVES to read, pretty much a chapter book per day. Especially My Weird School, but also Ready Freddy and Magic Tree House.
*Finally learned to ride a two wheel bike and now wants to go on bike rides constantly. We are going to look for a new bike today.
*So very polite in school and group settings. His Bible School teacher pulled my aside to let me know how much she enjoyed having him in her group this week. He always raises his hand when he wants to talk.
*Still has horrible seasonal allergies and refuses to blow his nose. Bad combo. That's all I'll say about that.
*Enjoys going to the pool to cool off. He's getting good at putting his head under water and jumping off the diving board.
*Likes apples and yogurt for "healthy food"
*Will only wear Sketchers shoes
*So far this summer refuses to wear shorts, worried that he looks dorky. No idea where he got that from.
*Loves the tv shows Wipeout and According to Jim.
*Sleeps with no pillow and cocooned in his blanket.
*Thinks he knows everything and frequently tells me I'm wrong. (I'm certain that he will be done with that by his next birthday)
*Can do pull-ups
*Has started eating french fries on occasion (He went years not liking them)
I could keep going, but I think that sums up my lovey for today.
Look for an update w/ pictures later:)