Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Story of Thomas' Birth

After a pregnancy with many potential issues- Mommy’s high blood pressure, an indication of slow growth, high amniotic fluid levels, etc., we never expected to go all the way to our due date.
Well….that’s what happens when you have expectations. March 15th (cousin Charlie’s 1st birthday) came and I was so hoping that so would Thomas. At our appt, Dr said I was dilated to 3 and if I wanted she would induce me Thursday, March 18th as that was the next day she was on call. Oy. I was so uncomfortable, had been having contractions for weeks, and really just wanted him to come out so that I would know that he was ok. But I went home to wait. Tuesday started out with contractions about 10 minutes apart for most of the day. By 3:30 in the afternoon they were about 5 minutes apart but still not as strong as I thought they should be. I took the boys to the park since it was the nicest day of the year so far, came home and called Daddy to let him know that tonight might be it, then tried laying down for a bit to be sure it was time. While I was laying on the couch, I felt a small gush of fluid and was so excited. Yes, my water is at least leaking, we can go to the hospital and have this baby. Called Daddy to go get Grandma, called Dr to let them know I was going, and ran around getting my bag packed. This was at about 7pm.
We got to the hospital at about 8 and they let us know that I was being admitted and induced whether my water broke or not. Yay!!!! We knew then that were very likely to have a St Patricks day baby. Daddy was in love with the idea of calling him his little leprechaun. They took an hour to check us in (to the hottest room in the hospital), and got some pitocin and antibiotics started by about 10. When we started I was still at 3 :P At midnight I had progressed to a 5. Great, I thought, this is going well. Ha. At 2 am I was getting miserable. They checked me and I was still at a 5. Grr. Not sure I can do this without an epidural. We decided to just get something to take the edge off the pain. Dilauded made me feel real good between contractions, and took the worst of the edge off so I felt like I could keep going. Dr also came and broke my water and I thought it would have to be over soon. They checked me 20 minutes later because Dr got another call and I was at a 6. Great. Moving right along again. But at 4 the meds wore off and the pain and pressure were intense. Checked again- still at 6. Aaaggghhh. Please give me more meds. Gave me meds, but the pain was getting more and more intense. Said it felt like I had to push. At 5:10, checked me again. No, it is not time to push, you are still at 6. NOOOOOOOO! I really feel like I have to push! I’m going to push! Don’t push. Just a minute. Went to get another nurse. I need to push now! I’m pushing. The other nurse comes in and I am pushing and he is coming. Oh my God. His head is out. There is no Dr, just one nurse saying ok, ok, ok. Bill pushed the panic button while she caught the baby. Out came baby, in came many nurses and such (so I hear). Still no Dr. A few minutes later the staff ob comes in, is quite short with me, has no idea what is going on, but manages to help with placenta (easy) and give me a few stitches. I feel awesome. The baby is getting cleaned up and seems to be fine, I didn’t have an epidural, and he popped right out.
I’ve already forgotten the intense pain, and Thomas is sooooo perfect. He hasn’t really cried at all, nurses like a champ, and just loves to look around. His brothers are about to meet him for the first time and they are so excited.
Overall this has been the most amazing awful experience ever. Quite a story.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm Tired!!!!!

I'm almost at week 31 today, and the last couple of weeks have been HE## for me. First, the Monday after Christmas, my husband's Dad went into the hospital in Madison (an hour away) and it has been touch and go ever since on whether he would make it through. So Bill has been up there almost every day, plus trying to help figure out paperwork and benefit info for him (his insurance changed on Jan 1). I had planned to get the baby room ready over break, but since my husband was MIA, I didn't have anyone to lift the heavy stuff anf it is still not done.
Also the boys have been very umm....wild lately and I'm sure it is partly my fault because I don't take them out enough, but see my title. It's hard. I am not sleeping at night, not comfortable during the day, and I have had no one to help me. I was very close to a bit of a mental break yesterday, but I think I'm feeling a bit better today. Bill plans to be here with me at least part of the day and carry some stuff out of the baby room. The boys and I went to Kidspot (a gymnastics center) for a while last night, so they got some energy out. I have hopes for maybe going out to dinner tonight, too.
The thing is, I feel like a bum sometimes because I know that there are Moms out there who work full time all the way to the end, and single Moms who have to do it all by themselves every day, and obviously there are many many people who have it worse than me....but I can't seem to cope for 2 weeks by myself, and I can't get everything done that I want to because I am just too tired. Oy

So I am hoping this gets better soon. I am very much looking forward to meeting this crazy, active baby of mine. I do love him already. And my FIL seems to be making some small improvements, so hopefully that stress will ease up a bit as well. We pray every day that he gets better and is able to have a few more years with us.
So thanks for reading my whiny rant. I don't visit the Dr again until next Monday, but I get another ultrasound then, so I'm sure there will be an update.