Thursday, April 5, 2012

P90X2 Results and What's Up Next

I finished finished P90X2 on the 31st of March- 4 weeks each of 3 phases, with one rest week in the middle. Because this program isn't heavy on cardio, I didn't expect to lose a lot of weight plus I really only want to lose a few more pounds anyway so I tried not to worry about that scale too much. I managed to get down to 146, about 8 pounds down from the first of the year. When I look at pictures, I don't see a big difference, but I can see that the shape of my body is changing. I continue to stand straighter and leaner each month. I am getting very close to having the body I always envied of others.

I was going to take a week off after I finished to give myself a break, but I just couldn't do it. I am officially addicted to exercise. So I started Insanity the Asylum on April 1st. Woah. Seriously this is like nothing I have ever done. I have gotten through 4 days and I have been so sore the entire time that going up and down stairs was torture. Just today I am starting to feel a little more normal. Today was the first of only 2 rest days for the entire 30 day program and I needed it. This program IS heavy cardio so I hope to lose another few pounds and get closer to my ultimate goal (130's!)

I also signed up for a 5k this weekend with my sister. I don't run. I don't like running. But I want to be able to say I've done it so... We did a practice run Sunday (also Day 1 of Asylum, might be a factor in my extra soreness) and we got done in about 32 minutes with one short walking break at the halfway point. I hope to do a little better at the race, but I am worried about it being in the morning. I also don't do morning workouts.

So wish me luck and I'll post my race results and Asylum results ASAP.