Ok here they are. We had a great Halloween. Ben had his school party yesterday, Joey had his today and I was able to make it. The boys went Trick-or Treating (in full daylight- how are you supposed to know who's open?) for an hour or so, then we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's to tell Grandpa Happy Birthday. They only had a piece of candy (or 2), but I think I can still hear Ben talking upstairs. He's probably not going to want to get up in the morning. And for some reason I don't have lesson plans done for tomorrow. I'm really winging it this time. Perhaps the children won't notice since they'll all be hungover from their sugar highs.
We'll see how this picture thing goes. I guess I needed to rotate before I uploaded. Just tilt your head, sorry. *Ok nevermind I fixed it, yay.
your kids look too cute!!!!
Cute costumes!!!!! We trick or treated when it was still light out too. Kinda odd , huh?
the costumes aree cute!! It was rather odd trick or treating when tit was still light out!
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