I worked out today! For the first time in several months. I managed to do 45 minutes of Taebo with the boys' help. They like to stand in front of me and do the exercises, especially when we pull the resistance bands out. Billy Blanks was really life-size on my 52 inch TV. I can tell I will be sore tomorrow, but it felt really
good and I hope I can keep it going. I also signed up with sparkpeople.com. It's a free site where you can track your weight loss, exercise, and eating goals.
I also baked a cake. I know, that doesn't really fit in with losing weight, but it was for a co- worker's birthday. Cake baking is not really up there on my list of things I like to do, but it turned out ok.
And can we just mention the weather today? This morning I just thought it was so wierd how warm it was. Ben and I went to the grocery store in short sleeves. But then it got kinda scary for awhile. We had a tornado warning and one actually touched down east of us. Our favorite apple orchard seems to have been destroyed. :( Joey was 20 minutes late getting home because he had to put his head between his knees right when school was supposed to get out. But as far as I know everyone is safe. Phew.
This is just a cute picture I caught of Ben. He fights getting his picture taken so I took a bunch while he was in a good mood this evening.
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