This is the crowd I spoke to on Saturday. Makes me shiver.
The car looks lovely, eh?
Today was good. Stayed home all day and got a bunch done. I've been behind on cutting box tops and soup labels so I worked on those, I did two loads of dishes from the super bowl party last night (we had a whole 2 people over but we had to put on a spread), I worked out for an hour, I got some other paperwork taken care of, and I fiddled on the computer. Oh wait, I always fiddle on the computer.
Joey earned a key today. While I was washing dishes Ben needed his nose wiped. He couldn't find a kleenex even though we have them all over the house, so Joey went and got him a kleenex, held it up to his nose, told him to blow, wiped it, and threw the tissue away. I was so proud of his helpfulness, so I gave him the key of Compassion to wear for the day. Fortunately I had just bought some leather string at the new Michael's yesterday to make it into a necklace. I'll put a picture on when I download again. He was very proud of himself.
I just remembered the other thing I did today. I got the OUAF Love Journal yesterday, so I decided to write the story of how hubby and I met and fell in love. I've typed about two pages, and then I'll write it in the journal. I hope to have it done by Valentine's Day. That will be something to work on this weekend when I have 3 days to scrapbook! !!!!!!! yay!!!!!! I'm getting excited!!!!!
Buenas Noches
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