Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Keep those prayers coming!

Carol has not woken up from her surgery yet. The Doctors do not seem hopeful, but the family maintains their faith. We did a lot of praying in groups today, so God should have heard us. A coworker and I went up to visit the family at the hospital tonight. They are staying in good spirits and being so strong. So just please keep praying. Right now, we are taking it one step at a time: pray for her to wake up. We just need her to wake up and be with us again. Once that happens, we will pray about the next step.


Candi Tardio said...

will do stacie...

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just read back a bit and learned why she's in the hospital. I will keep Carol, her family and all of her friends in my prayers. I'm certain God hears all of you and is there holding Carol's hand.