The rest of the week is more work, then next week I'll be spending my days at school moving everything from my old room downstairs to my new room upstairs. We've been getting lots of calls the last few days, so hopefully enrollment will pick up now.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Guess What I've Been Up To
Painting! Yep, after 8 years of living in a house with all white walls I decided that it was time for a change. So that's what I've been doing the last couple of days when I haven't been working or otherwise occupied. Two walls in the living room are this green and the other two will be a beige along with the hallway. I can't decide if I should leave the trim and doors white or make them beige as well. Opinions requested. After the living room I have the stairwell and my bedroom on the list. The boys would like their room painted too, but it would involve lots of things coming off the walls so we'll see about that one.
I don't have energy for the rest of my update, but I want to at least say that I went ice skating yesterday for work and it was fun but excruciating. I have blisters all around my legs because I was wearing ankle socks and the skates rubbed my skin off. Then today I had to work at a swim lesson despite the stinging chlorine on my raw skin. Owie.
The rest of the week is more work, then next week I'll be spending my days at school moving everything from my old room downstairs to my new room upstairs. We've been getting lots of calls the last few days, so hopefully enrollment will pick up now.
The rest of the week is more work, then next week I'll be spending my days at school moving everything from my old room downstairs to my new room upstairs. We've been getting lots of calls the last few days, so hopefully enrollment will pick up now.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Green Acres
So the boys have been watching a lot of Green Acres. Don't ask me why. Ask their Daddy. They like it for some reason and have memorized the theme song. Actually, I kind of like it too. Eva Gabor is pretty hilarious. Now, I don't have speakers on this computer so you'll have to let me know if this is actually working, but is that not the cutest thing ever?
BTW: I won't be uploading too many videos to blogger. This is taking for-ever.
Job News
I've been "promoted" to co-director at my preschool. I put promoted in quotes because I don't really feel like it is a true promotion- when the boss dies and only one other person has qualifications according to DCFS they don't really have a choice. My other half has also only been with the school for a year and isn't technically director qualified, but she is going to school to get her certs so she can help. So, since I didn't really "earn" my title, I'm not really excited like I should be. I'm worried that everyone will be looking for a reason for the other co-director to take over next year because they don't think I'm good enough. She seems to really want it too, and is more willing to fight for it. I am very unwilling to fight for a position of power. That totally goes against my being. I want people to want me because they think I would do a good job, not because they have no other choice.
Also, this year out enrollment is way down. We think it has a lot to do with the economy. When people are looking for something to cut back, preschool seems to be disposable. Especially 3 year old preschool. The good news is that we don't have to hire a new teacher to replace Carol. The bad news is the budget isn't so good right now. We do still have a month to enroll those last minute stragglers, so we're trying to spread the word as much as possible around town.
So wish me luck with my job this year with the parents, students, and my co-workers. I plan to prove to everyone that I can do this and do it well.
Also, this year out enrollment is way down. We think it has a lot to do with the economy. When people are looking for something to cut back, preschool seems to be disposable. Especially 3 year old preschool. The good news is that we don't have to hire a new teacher to replace Carol. The bad news is the budget isn't so good right now. We do still have a month to enroll those last minute stragglers, so we're trying to spread the word as much as possible around town.
So wish me luck with my job this year with the parents, students, and my co-workers. I plan to prove to everyone that I can do this and do it well.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Allow me to recap the last few days. Friday I met the girls at work to write Thank-yous for a couple hours, then headed out to Poplar Grove to scrapbook with a new friend. I had decided to change my albums to 3-ring binders and intended to work on that, but when I opened my new albums I realized that they didn't come with page protectors. Oh well, I just checked out Dede's projects. She has the most awesome scrap room and she is an Uppercase Living consultant so she has lots of words in her house. I had to go home after just a few hours because the boys were coming home from vacation. I stopped for some page protectors on the way home and worked on organizing while I waited. The boys were late, of course. Didn't get home until about 8. We went out for dinner and visited with them for a while then off to bed. Saturday morning was swim lessons. Both are doing simply amazing. Joey is finally putting his head in the water and jumping in the pool by himself.
Later I got to watch this little cutie for a couple hours. I don't have little girls at my house very often so had to get the camera out. Saturday night we went to the Riverhawks game (our local baseball team).
The stadium is really nice and there are no bad seats, but the boys really didn't get into watching the game. They mostly played around in the seats and annoyed the people araound them. There was a cute little grasshopper to keep us occupied for a few minutes.
We did see a few people we knew, and ended up sitting with an old student and coworker
toward the end of the game. Sunday we did a whole lot of not much. Went to lunch at Tom and Jerrys, stopped at Menards for paint samples because I've decided to add some color to some of the rooms in my house, watched some episodes of our new favorite Deadwood, read a new book Twilight by Stephanie Meyers. Today I mowed the lawn then we went to the pool to cool off for a bit before Joey had gymnastics. He is also doing great things there.
So that's my fascinating life the past few days. Nothing too exciting, just life as it should be: steady, normal, boring, fun.
So that's my fascinating life the past few days. Nothing too exciting, just life as it should be: steady, normal, boring, fun.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Mommy Guilt
Is it just the natural order of things to constantly worry about being "fair" and "equal" with your children when you have more than one? Part of it may be that I had (have) huge issues with how fairly I was treated by my parents. That is a story for another day, but it has left me feeling guilty about how I treat my boys. I know that I am much more physically affectionate with Ben: he sits on my lap, I still carry him sometimes, we exchange lots of kisses... Joey won't sit still when he's on my lap, is obviously too big to carry, and we do kisses but not as frequently. But Joey I think gets more positive verbal affection than Ben. Joe is my laid-back, smart, relatively calm, funny guy. Ben is my high-strung, sometimes angry, really cute funny guy. Sometimes I feel like all I do is complain about Ben's problems and praise Joey when that is not really how life is. Joey can tend to be whiny. Ben cracks me up with how he pronounces things still. They are just so different and have such different needs that I don't think I'll ever be able to treat them "equally." Is that ok? Are they going to grow up and hate each other? Or me? Do they even notice or care?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
My Addictions
I have many addictions, and although none of them are dangerous to my health (at least in the traditional sense), they do take up a chunk of my time.
There are the big ones, like scrapbooking and reading. If I don't have a book in hand and another waiting for me I feel lost. And I am constantly shopping for new scrapbook goodies, tools or ideas.
Then there's cereal. I loove cereal. I can eat it for at least two meals a day. And I love getting new cereals. When something new comes out, I am right on top of checking it out. Lately I have been eating Fiber One's Caramel Crunch, Special K Fruit and Berries, Toasted Oatmeal Squares (they have a new Maple and Brown Sugar flavor), and sometimes Kashi Blueberry Morning. Yummy. Now I need to go have a bowl of cereal.
Exercise. This one is wierd, I know, but when I get going I HAVE to exercise everyday or I think about it constantly until I can.
Yummy smells. I can't stand stink. I have a very sensitive nose (ask my husband) and yucky smells drive me bonkers. So I use candles, air fresheners, and fabric refreshers. I love Yankee candles and hate cheap off-brand candles. I like the new Febreeze air fresheners that have two different alternating scents because you can always smell them. I also like to spray my sheets with a scent before bed.
Quiet. Some people like white noise like a fan in the background. Not me. I love complete silence. The dehumidifier in the basement drives me crazy. The clock ticking in the living room when I'm trying to read sometimes puts me right over the edge. And don't get me started on the exhaust fan in the bathroom.
Chocolate. Duh. 'Nuf said.
Learning. This goes along with reading, but I love the thrill of figuring out something new, whether it be a new way to edit pictures, finding a new ancestor, a new child development theory, or just a new big word. I love it. If I felt like I had the time, I think I would go back to school just for fun.
Blogs and blogging. Do I really need to say how awesome it is to keep up with people I love (whether I know them or not) and express myself through writing on a regular basis? Some people think it is impersonal and perhaps egotistical to think people want to read about the boring details of your life, but I like reading the boring details of other peoples lives. And I still have personal connections, this is just another outlet.
Do you have weird addictions? Tell me about them.
There are the big ones, like scrapbooking and reading. If I don't have a book in hand and another waiting for me I feel lost. And I am constantly shopping for new scrapbook goodies, tools or ideas.
Then there's cereal. I loove cereal. I can eat it for at least two meals a day. And I love getting new cereals. When something new comes out, I am right on top of checking it out. Lately I have been eating Fiber One's Caramel Crunch, Special K Fruit and Berries, Toasted Oatmeal Squares (they have a new Maple and Brown Sugar flavor), and sometimes Kashi Blueberry Morning. Yummy. Now I need to go have a bowl of cereal.
Exercise. This one is wierd, I know, but when I get going I HAVE to exercise everyday or I think about it constantly until I can.
Yummy smells. I can't stand stink. I have a very sensitive nose (ask my husband) and yucky smells drive me bonkers. So I use candles, air fresheners, and fabric refreshers. I love Yankee candles and hate cheap off-brand candles. I like the new Febreeze air fresheners that have two different alternating scents because you can always smell them. I also like to spray my sheets with a scent before bed.
Quiet. Some people like white noise like a fan in the background. Not me. I love complete silence. The dehumidifier in the basement drives me crazy. The clock ticking in the living room when I'm trying to read sometimes puts me right over the edge. And don't get me started on the exhaust fan in the bathroom.
Chocolate. Duh. 'Nuf said.
Learning. This goes along with reading, but I love the thrill of figuring out something new, whether it be a new way to edit pictures, finding a new ancestor, a new child development theory, or just a new big word. I love it. If I felt like I had the time, I think I would go back to school just for fun.
Blogs and blogging. Do I really need to say how awesome it is to keep up with people I love (whether I know them or not) and express myself through writing on a regular basis? Some people think it is impersonal and perhaps egotistical to think people want to read about the boring details of your life, but I like reading the boring details of other peoples lives. And I still have personal connections, this is just another outlet.
Do you have weird addictions? Tell me about them.
My house is quite possibly the cleanest it has been since we moved in. Today I finally got to the nasty bathroom and got down on my hands and knees to scrub the floor around the toilet. Do you know what it is like to have 3 boys using a toilet? Nasty. Double nasty. And triple nasty. And none of them knows how to clean up after themselves. I also cleaned out the medicine cabinets, the drawers under the sink and the linen closet. On my to-do list yet is mop the kitchen floor and clean out some more closets. Probably won't get those done before the kids get home, but I'm on a roll now so I feel good about the prospects.
Tomorrow I'm meeting my school co-workers to write thank-yous from Carol's memorials. Apparently we have over 250 to write. After that I'm going scrapbooking for a few hours and then the boys will be home. I am missing them a little bit, especially after I talk to them on the phone. They sound so big on the phone. This break was nice, but I'm ready to go back to being a Mom again.
Tomorrow I'm meeting my school co-workers to write thank-yous from Carol's memorials. Apparently we have over 250 to write. After that I'm going scrapbooking for a few hours and then the boys will be home. I am missing them a little bit, especially after I talk to them on the phone. They sound so big on the phone. This break was nice, but I'm ready to go back to being a Mom again.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I'm Having Some Time to Myself
Sometimes it is hard to get motivated to blog, but I think I've got it now....
The boys left with Grandma and Grandpa on Sunday afternoon and the biggest thing I've been doing is CLEANING. I'm doing one room a day and really cleaning things that haven't seen the light of day for an embarrassing amount of time. I worked on the kitchen tonight, scrubbed out the sink and behind it, under the toaster oven, everything is off the counter, it looks really good. Sunday was the living room. I bought new slipcovers for the chairs and pretty much just straightened and vacuumed. And washed the windows. Eww. Tomorrow is the bathroom. I hate the bathroom. Can someone come do the bathroom for me? The thing about the bathroom is that even if I scrub it from top to bottom it will be dirty again in just a few days. At least the living room and kitchen are relatively low-maintenance for a while.
Anyway, I also worked yesterday and today. It was traumatic- I had to break up 2 fights. I have never seen such violence from such young children. I think I have the rest of the week off, and Daddy might take a night off so we can do something while the kids are gone. He wants to do stinkin research and I'm really not into that right now. What else do grown-ups without kids do on a day off? We've gotten to where we just have no clue. Plus not a lot of $ to spend right now. But we did go to the 10:45PM movie Sunday night. Hancock. It was ok, but the best thing was just the adventure of going to a movie that late. And I met some girls at Tumbleweeds last night for dinner, enjoying myself without watching the clock for when I should go home.
So I'll let you know what we decide, and hopefully it won't be just to sit around at home all day, although my house is looking pretty spiffy right now...
The boys left with Grandma and Grandpa on Sunday afternoon and the biggest thing I've been doing is CLEANING. I'm doing one room a day and really cleaning things that haven't seen the light of day for an embarrassing amount of time. I worked on the kitchen tonight, scrubbed out the sink and behind it, under the toaster oven, everything is off the counter, it looks really good. Sunday was the living room. I bought new slipcovers for the chairs and pretty much just straightened and vacuumed. And washed the windows. Eww. Tomorrow is the bathroom. I hate the bathroom. Can someone come do the bathroom for me? The thing about the bathroom is that even if I scrub it from top to bottom it will be dirty again in just a few days. At least the living room and kitchen are relatively low-maintenance for a while.
Anyway, I also worked yesterday and today. It was traumatic- I had to break up 2 fights. I have never seen such violence from such young children. I think I have the rest of the week off, and Daddy might take a night off so we can do something while the kids are gone. He wants to do stinkin research and I'm really not into that right now. What else do grown-ups without kids do on a day off? We've gotten to where we just have no clue. Plus not a lot of $ to spend right now. But we did go to the 10:45PM movie Sunday night. Hancock. It was ok, but the best thing was just the adventure of going to a movie that late. And I met some girls at Tumbleweeds last night for dinner, enjoying myself without watching the clock for when I should go home.
So I'll let you know what we decide, and hopefully it won't be just to sit around at home all day, although my house is looking pretty spiffy right now...
Monday, July 14, 2008
My New Header
I was playing with scrapblog, which I found from Nitty Gritty's blog, and I made this title for my blog. I actually was trying to do it for a while last night and it kept fighting with me so I had to start over this afternoon. I like it. I'm going to play on there some more when I have some more free time. Check it out.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The One With Lots of Links
I worked out last night! With this summer schedule (or lack thereof) I had been having a real hard time finding the right motivation. Before last night it had been almost 2 weeks since my last workout. Bad. Once you stop it's that much harder to get started again. So last night I had an hour before dinner. I plugged in my new Gym In A Box DVD (don't really like it, back to Jillian today), and did a 45 minute cardio routine. It felt so good. Why did I stop?
Also this week all I'm working is swim lessons. I smell so much like a chlorine tablet, even after showering. But the job is cush. Except today when my student didn't take his adderol before class. He was a bit on the wild side.
Friday it's zoo or bust! I bought the membership to Brookfield and I am going to get some use out of it. We have to get back to stingray bay, we didn't see the dolphin show the first time, and I'd like to see the monkeys again. (Hopefully we'll be joined by some friends, too.)
Today we went to see Circus Boy at Sinnissippi Park. The weather was beautiful, but the act wasn't worth writing home about.
Next week the boys are going camping with Grandma all week. Looking forward to the break. I hope I use my time wisely. Self, I say, please try to do something worthwhile with your time next week.
We got the school calendar in the mail the other day. The boys start school on August 20th! It's already coming up fast. Joey will go from 8:15 to 2:40 every day and Ben will go from 11:50 to 2:40 every day. Ben might also go to my school MWF mornings from 9-11. It sounds like a lot, but I think it will be good for him. The problem will be figuring out lunch in between.
I just finished reading Clean and Simple Scrapbooking The Sequel by Cathy Zielske. Yes, I started with the second one, but it happened to be at the library last time. Now I requested a whole bunch of books from the library (free is good) to get some new ideas. I really like Cathy's style and Stacy Julian (I have The Big Picture already). Anything that said Simple Scrapbooks on it, I requested. Now I'll probably overwhelm myself with ideas and projects that I can't get done. I already know that I need to take more pictures of the everyday stuff. And I'm doing more pages about myself, which involves not always being the one behind the camera. I did my page about learning the guitar the other night. Turned out real cute:)
Also this week all I'm working is swim lessons. I smell so much like a chlorine tablet, even after showering. But the job is cush. Except today when my student didn't take his adderol before class. He was a bit on the wild side.
Friday it's zoo or bust! I bought the membership to Brookfield and I am going to get some use out of it. We have to get back to stingray bay, we didn't see the dolphin show the first time, and I'd like to see the monkeys again. (Hopefully we'll be joined by some friends, too.)
Today we went to see Circus Boy at Sinnissippi Park. The weather was beautiful, but the act wasn't worth writing home about.
Next week the boys are going camping with Grandma all week. Looking forward to the break. I hope I use my time wisely. Self, I say, please try to do something worthwhile with your time next week.
We got the school calendar in the mail the other day. The boys start school on August 20th! It's already coming up fast. Joey will go from 8:15 to 2:40 every day and Ben will go from 11:50 to 2:40 every day. Ben might also go to my school MWF mornings from 9-11. It sounds like a lot, but I think it will be good for him. The problem will be figuring out lunch in between.
I just finished reading Clean and Simple Scrapbooking The Sequel by Cathy Zielske. Yes, I started with the second one, but it happened to be at the library last time. Now I requested a whole bunch of books from the library (free is good) to get some new ideas. I really like Cathy's style and Stacy Julian (I have The Big Picture already). Anything that said Simple Scrapbooks on it, I requested. Now I'll probably overwhelm myself with ideas and projects that I can't get done. I already know that I need to take more pictures of the everyday stuff. And I'm doing more pages about myself, which involves not always being the one behind the camera. I did my page about learning the guitar the other night. Turned out real cute:)
Monday, July 7, 2008
How Many of You Are There? | ||
Sunday, July 6, 2008
A Week of Firsts
I've already written about Joey's first ambulance ride and my first new car in & years, but here are some more firsts we've had the last few days:
First time getting pulled over Yep, 15 years of driving and this was a first. The story: We were exploring the new car, kids sitting in the "trunk",
wiping down the leather when Daddy had this brilliant idea of "Why don't we take it out and put some gas in it?" We hadn't registered the car yet because we got the title the night before and this was the holiday, but since we were just going to the gas station we figured no biggie. Daddy even thought we might not need car seats. Fortunately I ix-nayed that idea. Since I hadn't even driven my new car yet, I took the drivers seat and we headed out. Once we got on the road we decided not to go to the closest gas station but to go up 251 to the cheaper gas. First major intersection Joey says "there's the police." I thought nothing of it because they were several cars back. But when we turned onto 173, there she was behind me. She followed me onto 251, then went around for a minute, then pulled back in behind me and there went the lights. She just asked what happened to our registration and after we explained and she checked th VIN she sent us on our way. Thats the story of my first time being pulled over.
First time we got good seats and watched the fireworks uninturrupted
It has really become quite a comedy in our house that we are never prepared with a place to watch the fireworks. The last few years we have driven towards downtown and parked on the side of the road then watched them from the car. Last year was the worst. We found a place at Sinnissippi and waited and waited, decided we couldn't see them and started for home only to realize that they hadn't started yet and we missed the whole thing. Well this year I decided not to worry so much. What will be will be. At about 8:30 we headed out and decided to try a cemetery
I had heard about across from the park. We got there and parked at the top of a hill. The boys did sparklers for a few minutes,
then we pulled out the chairs for the show. It was perfect. There was no one around (perhaps scared of a cemetery after dark) and we had a great view. Joey loved it, Ben ran around. Whatever.
First time at the driving range since having kids I've been begging for this for awhile. I really like hitting balls, but it involves a babysitter to avoid catastrophe (just use your imagination). So when grandma was over yesterday we decided to head out. I actually did pretty well, hitting consistently between 50 and 100 yards. Today though, I am sore. And I have multiple blisters on my hand. But it was fun and I can't wait to go again.
First time eating at Old Chicago For some reason we had never been there before. It was pretty good. The boys liked it.
First time working a 40 hour week in a year Sorry to all the full-time workin mommas, but I've been part time for a year now and really like it. My summer job is kinda crazy though and I ended up working 9 and 10 hour days all week. Next week sounds better- just 2 hours 3 days and 1 full day.
First time attending the Contemporary Service at Church I don't know what it was, but I was very emotional at church and just really appreciated the music we sang. It was beautiful singing with the very small group that was in attendance today.
First time getting pulled over Yep, 15 years of driving and this was a first. The story: We were exploring the new car, kids sitting in the "trunk",
First time we got good seats and watched the fireworks uninturrupted
First time at the driving range since having kids I've been begging for this for awhile. I really like hitting balls, but it involves a babysitter to avoid catastrophe (just use your imagination). So when grandma was over yesterday we decided to head out. I actually did pretty well, hitting consistently between 50 and 100 yards. Today though, I am sore. And I have multiple blisters on my hand. But it was fun and I can't wait to go again.
First time eating at Old Chicago For some reason we had never been there before. It was pretty good. The boys liked it.
First time working a 40 hour week in a year Sorry to all the full-time workin mommas, but I've been part time for a year now and really like it. My summer job is kinda crazy though and I ended up working 9 and 10 hour days all week. Next week sounds better- just 2 hours 3 days and 1 full day.
First time attending the Contemporary Service at Church I don't know what it was, but I was very emotional at church and just really appreciated the music we sang. It was beautiful singing with the very small group that was in attendance today.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
There's A New Car In My Garage
I just need to say up front that it is not the car of my dreams (any of them), but it is newer and it is in much better condition than my old car. It is the same car as my old car, though, which also did not thrill me. But we got a good deal, it has a cd changer, leather seats, a third row, no flaws, etc, etc. So...introducing my new gold Mercury Sable Wagon. Woo-hoo.
Ok, the pictures aren't so good. I'll take better ones outside in the daytime later.
And here is what remains of Joey's "adventure". I am still trying to get all the dried blood out of his hair, but the cut only seems to bother him if I touch it or he tries to lay down.
He's Just Fine
Well Sarah really says it all on her blog, but Joey had quite an adventure last night. He had his first ride in an ambulance (mine too) after falling off the bleachers and cracking his head at Jacob's baseball game. I will admit that I completely panicked when I saw the amount of blood coming out of his head and all over his hands. The thing I remember now is that he wasn't even crying that hard. His head didn't hurt so much as the blood freaked him out. He said later that he thought the bench had water on it and he got wet, but when he felt it he saw blood on his hands. And you know I had just gotten done telling them not to play on the top of the bleachers because I was nervous that they would fall and get hurt. Well, he didn't fall off the top, he reassured me several times. He was siting with his knees up to his chest and lost his balance. He only hit his head on the next bleacher (we think). Imagine if it had been the concrete 4 feet down. So that "possible" baseball game turned into quite a crazy night. At least we saw Jacob make a few plays. And thank God Joey wasn't hurt too badly. After we got home and took a bath last night, I decided we should take one more minute and pray our thanks that this incident turned out as well as it did. Makes me extra thankful for their good health every other day of the year.
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