I've already written about Joey's first ambulance ride and my first new car in & years, but here are some more firsts we've had the last few days:
First time getting pulled over Yep, 15 years of driving and this was a first. The story: We were exploring the new car, kids sitting in the "trunk",

wiping down the leather when Daddy had this brilliant idea of "Why don't we take it out and put some gas in it?" We hadn't registered the car yet because we got the title the night before and this was the holiday, but since we were just going to the gas station we figured no biggie. Daddy even thought we might not need car seats. Fortunately I ix-nayed that idea. Since I hadn't even driven my new car yet, I took the drivers seat and we headed out. Once we got on the road we decided not to go to the closest gas station but to go up 251 to the cheaper gas. First major intersection Joey says "there's the police." I thought nothing of it because they were several cars back. But when we turned onto 173, there she was behind me. She followed me onto 251, then went around for a minute, then pulled back in behind me and there went the lights. She just asked what happened to our registration and after we explained and she checked th VIN she sent us on our way. Thats the story of my first time being pulled over.
First time we got good seats and watched the fireworks uninturrupted 
It has really become quite a comedy in our house that we are never prepared with a place to watch the fireworks. The last few years we have driven towards downtown and parked on the side of the road then watched them from the car. Last year was the worst. We found a place at Sinnissippi and waited and waited, decided we couldn't see them and started for home only to realize that they hadn't started yet and we missed the whole thing. Well this year I decided not to worry so much. What will be will be. At about 8:30 we headed out and decided to try a cemetery

I had heard about across from the park. We got there and parked at the top of a hill. The boys did sparklers for a few minutes,

then we pulled out the chairs for the show. It was perfect. There was no one around (perhaps scared of a cemetery after dark) and we had a great view. Joey loved it, Ben ran around. Whatever.
First time at the driving range since having kids I've been begging for this for awhile. I really like hitting balls, but it involves a babysitter to avoid catastrophe (just use your imagination). So when grandma was over yesterday we decided to head out. I actually did pretty well, hitting consistently between 50 and 100 yards. Today though, I am sore. And I have multiple blisters on my hand. But it was fun and I can't wait to go again.
First time eating at Old Chicago For some reason we had never been there before. It was pretty good. The boys liked it.
First time working a 40 hour week in a year Sorry to all the full-time workin mommas, but I've been part time for a year now and really like it. My summer job is kinda crazy though and I ended up working 9 and 10 hour days all week. Next week sounds better- just 2 hours 3 days and 1 full day.
First time attending the Contemporary Service at Church I don't know what it was, but I was very emotional at church and just really appreciated the music we sang. It was beautiful singing with the very small group that was in attendance today.
1 comment:
do you golf or just like to hit the balls??? i love to golf {i am for sure no pro...but like it!} and haven't been in a few years :(
man...i have never held a sparkler...i am a baby and have always been scared to hold them...i know you are thinking what a whimp!!!!!!
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