Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ben's First Day

Ben got to have his first day/meet his teacher today. Teacher seems nice, kids seem ok for the most part (one buddy we're going to have to watch out for), transportation is a MESS. Last year when Joey was in kindergarten, the bus picked nim up and dropped him off at our driveway. This year they are apparently cutting back on something because all the preschoolers and kindergarteners are riding together and bus stops are on the corners. Fortunately the corner is only 3 houses down, but that is not nearly as convenient as it once was. Also, when I got the schedule in the mail (2 days before school started), it has him getting on the bus 45 minutes before school, and getting home 45 minutes after school. I'm sorry, but my 3 year old cannot be on the bus for over an hour a day. Seriously. We live 5 minutes away from the school. Well, we are not the only ones with a problem because that was all I heard about at school today, so hopefully somebody at transportation will realize that this will not work. Otherwise Ben is about to become a car rider, which he'd really rather not.

But other than that, I am looking forward to a great school year for both kids. I have realized that I am going to have 3 afternoons a week without kids. I get to grocery shop by myself, work out on my own, and make appointments without dragging them along. Yay me.

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