Monday, December 21, 2009
28 week appointment
Ultrasounds are awesome. I wish we could just watch him play in there all the time. Today he was as uncooperative as last time for getting pictures, but she did confirm again that he has boy parts. He is also head down at the moment with his hands and legs still over his head. I wonder if he'll straighten out when he comes out? And he weighs almost 3 pounds already- about 10% over what is expected. The u/s tech asked if I usually have big babies. Yup. But that's ok. Big and healthy will do just fine. Just won't need any newborn clothes.
Christmas is in just a few days and I find myself more connected with Mary this year- this is the first year I've been really pregnant at Christmas and it just makes me appreciate more what she must have gone through. We're getting there on shopping- hoping that Joey maintains his belief for at least one more year even if it means spending a little more moola. I'm doing my best not to get the bad Mommy award and ruin it for him, like I have done with other magaical creatures and other children (oops). I am sad that none of my students gave me any homemade goodies this year-I love Christmas cookies! (And I'm not making them myself.) But I did get plenty of decorations and gift cards and other very generous gifts. I am so blessed to be a teacher and work with so many wonderful families.
Christmas cards are not even in concept phase yet, boo. I still hope to get them done, but they might arrive closer to New Years:)
Have a very blessed and merry Christmas. Love to all.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Quarterly Update:)
Mostly I haven't been on because my energy has been completely gone. This baby DRAINS me. I do my best to get through each day at work, come home and do the minimum chores, and try to take a nap between the other boys' demands. They've been getting to watch quite a few movies lately.
The pregnancy has been going well otherwise since my early blood pressure scare. I take meds to keep it under control now and they seem to be working. The baby is very active, kinda like Ben was, so I worry that I'm going to have another Ben on my hands. At the ultrasound he kept waving his hands and feet in the way when the tech was trying measure or get a good picture. Very funny, but I sense the feistiness. At my next appt in a week and a half, I have my glucose test, a 24 hr pee test, a blood test and another ultrasound. I'm kinda hoping he settles down a bit so we can get a better picture, and it did take her a while to decide he was a boy, so I hope we can get a clearer picture of those parts as well. I'd hate to prepare for a boy and have a girl come out.
We've been talking about names but haven't made a definite decision yet. We also haven't gotten the room ready, although I hope to accomplish that over break. I'd like to decorate in Monkeys but we shall see.
School has been going well. There are certain things that I just don't feel up to some days (can you say no shaving cream?) but otherwise I'm keeping up. The kids ask me funny questions about the baby and I have one student who wants to know each day if I've had him yet. I have great families and we've stayed fully enrolled. It seems like every time we lose someone, another family calls for a spot.
Joey and Ben you ask? Well...they are certainly taking advantage of Mommy being tired to get into mischief, but they seem to be pretty excited about the new baby. They've been aroung their new cousin, Charlie, enough to realize whats involved in having a baby. Hopefully he doesn't cry much, because Ben can't stand the noise. Joey is doing awesome in school as always. He still loves to read and has been gragging that he reads "teen" books because one of the series he likes is found in the teen section at the library. Ben is also doing great in school. He is apparently a great singer even though he won't sing for me. I worry a bit because he still doesn't pronounce his "r" sound, but I think he will grow out of that.
Ok thats all for today. More soon (I hope) and definitely once the baby comes I'll update better.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I Know I Said This Wouldn't Be A Pregnancy Blog...
I had my second prenatal appointment yesterday and it was horrible. First the scale said I had gained almost 10 pounds in a month, which also happens to put me back where I started a year ago when I got back into working out. Amazing how easy it is to put weight on. Then I the nurse took my blood pressure and it was 140/90. Bad. Mid-pregnancy your bp is actually supposed to be lower than normal. So she checked again. 140/90. Then she left for a few minutes and came back to check it again. 136/86. Phew I thought, going down. Then the Dr came in and was VERY concerned about it, especially after hearing that I had this problem with my 1st pregnancy (even though that was much later in the pregnancy). So I have to come back in 2 weeks and be more closely monitored. She didn't say I am high-risk, but I think I am approaching that threshold. I also have to save my pee for 24 hours so they can do furthur tests on my kidneys. Ugh. I came home so upset and depressed, which I know does not help any of my problems. After a few hours I remembered that I have a bp cuff at home so I can self-test. Every time I've taken it since last night, it has been 115/78. Normal. So, I'm hoping and praying that I just have a touch of white coat syndrome, because I REALLY cannot afford to be taken off of work early.
In other news, school starts Tuesday and I am completely full with 47 3-year olds. I can't wait to get to know them. We had meet the teacher night on Tuesday, but try to imagine 47 kids, their parents, siblings, and some grandparents all in one little bitty preschool room all at once. It was a little crazy. I think I met about half of them and could identify about a third right now. Next year I am having one class at a time come in.
Ben, my baby (for a few more months), turns 5 tomorrow. He got to pick dinner tonight because tomorrow is Joey's Cub Scout campout and he is going with. He chose Hometown Buffet. Eww. In the morning before school, we will take him to Toys R Us to pick out what he wants and he will celebrate at preschool tomorrow and next Tuesday at my school with Logli's soft cookies. He has been so excited for weeks to get to pick out some toys, because Mommy has been on a no new toys strike all summer. They just have toooo much, mostly thanks to Grandma, and it ends up all over my house instead of being played with. So it will be an extra special treat for him to get something new.
Oh, the pigeons: we haven't won a race yet, but I think we one one particular branch of a race (don't ask, I don't understand all the details). For his first year, though, everyone else in his club wonders how he is doing so well. And we've lost less birds than most other lofts as well. Always look for the positive, right?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Ben's Dream
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Have You Been Wondering About the Pigeons?
Well, they've raced the last 3 weekends and we've done pretty well each time. The second weekend was the best, we got 5th and 6th out of 300 something birds. Every Sunday we sit outside on my swing and watch the sky, waiting for that first bird to come in. It's funny, cause when they train, usually all of them come in together, but on race days they tend to get broken up, or some of them join groups that are going to different homes, etc. Our first few birds come in a few minutes apart, but the last ones could come home as late as the next day. We had one come home the other day that had been gone for 10 days. And right now there is a lady in Iowa who says one of our birds is hanging out at her house and won't leave.
So tonight we are sending them to Des Moines, Iowa, 250 miles. I think we are sending about 20 birds. They usually get released at about 6:30 AM, and it should take about 5 hours for them to get home. At about 10:30 Daddy will start watching for birds. Sometimes he gets excited when a mourning dove flies by, but mostly he frets that something bad is going to happen and none of the birds will come home. He is very dramatic.
So I'll update tomorrow or Monday and let you know how we do this week.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Back Again
There has actually been sooo much going on since my last post, I just haven't been sure how to put it all down on here. The biggest thing is after several years of not deciding whether or not we want a 3rd child, I found out that I am pregnant in the middle of July. So today I am 10.5 weeks along, due March 15th. I've had all the symptoms the last few weeks, and certainly didn't want to use my blog to whine about this precious thing inside me which has caused so much havoc. Also with this pregnancy my feelings are so much more mixed than with my other kids. I feel I have been so blessed with two healthy children when so many other people want another (or just one), and then it was so easy for me to get pregnant again. I know there is always a reason, but I have some guilt this time. At the same time I am excited. I love babies, I love kids.
And then there is the boy vs girl thing. I'm scared to have a girl because I am used to the boys, a girl will cost more, etc, etc, but a girl would be so precious, and we would spoil her, and I could finally buy those cute girl clothes, etc, etc. So like I said, mixed feelings. I have always been so sure of my plans in life, and this just throws my security levels off.
Anyways, I don't actually want to make this a pregnancy blog. I'll try to just give periodic updates, and I do have other things going on in my life.
School- I am so excited because our enrollment is way up from last year. Our first official year as directors and we have been very successful (with some help from extenuating circumstances, but we'll take it). We are almost full now, only 3 spots in the 3's and 5 spots in the 4's. Awesome.
Joey and Ben go back to school next week, and then I don't start until after Labor Day so I am looking forward to those couple of weeks by myself. Ben and I especially have spent way too much time together this summer and he has gotten very clingy. Joey at least had his sport and Cub Scout camps, which he loved. I am so proud of him, even after a few injuries he couldn't wait to go each day.
So anyway, now that we are getting into a better routine, I will try to update my blog more often. One goal I have is to remember the hilarious things the boys say on a daily basis.
Oh, let me tell you one story about my pregnancy: Just so you know, not all pg tests have a plus sign to mean you are pregnant. SOME tests just have one control line and one other line to mean positive. And also, if you aren't sure, you probably shouldn't throw the instructions away. I went a week and a half thinking that I had a negative test and was just late before finally taking another test and looking at the instructions. Yes, I am one of those people from the commercials that incorrectly reads a pg test. Ha. Ha.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Picture Day!

Monday, June 22, 2009
Last Week
This is a rose that was in the backyard at my sister's new house. One of many cool things about her house. Isn't it beautiful?
First he opened the presents that Daddy had picked out for him. (Ben got a new bike helmet and wears it everywhere right now.)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Happy Birthday Joey!
Some things about Joey at 7:
*LOVES to read, pretty much a chapter book per day. Especially My Weird School, but also Ready Freddy and Magic Tree House.
*Finally learned to ride a two wheel bike and now wants to go on bike rides constantly. We are going to look for a new bike today.
*So very polite in school and group settings. His Bible School teacher pulled my aside to let me know how much she enjoyed having him in her group this week. He always raises his hand when he wants to talk.
*Still has horrible seasonal allergies and refuses to blow his nose. Bad combo. That's all I'll say about that.
*Enjoys going to the pool to cool off. He's getting good at putting his head under water and jumping off the diving board.
*Likes apples and yogurt for "healthy food"
*Will only wear Sketchers shoes
*So far this summer refuses to wear shorts, worried that he looks dorky. No idea where he got that from.
*Loves the tv shows Wipeout and According to Jim.
*Sleeps with no pillow and cocooned in his blanket.
*Thinks he knows everything and frequently tells me I'm wrong. (I'm certain that he will be done with that by his next birthday)
*Can do pull-ups
*Has started eating french fries on occasion (He went years not liking them)
I could keep going, but I think that sums up my lovey for today.
Look for an update w/ pictures later:)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Our First Week of Summer
First we had to buy a new microwave after the one we've had since I moved out of my parents (12 years ago!) finally died. This was part of the packaging and the boys thought it made a good frame.
In between turns he played rock, paper, scissors with his buddies.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
A few weeks ago I wanted to go to the zoo. Chaos ensued, but we managed to get to the local Summerfield Zoo. It was actually pretty neat. Some cool animals and not nearly as crowded as Brookfield. (We did end up at Brookfield on Memorial Day weekend but I forgot the camera so no pictures)
Not really too much going on. The kids have one more week of school still, and then we are ready for the fun to begin. I've been doing a lot of cleaning and working out this week in between reading and playing on facebook (I'm really addicted to this one game..) Daddy and I both cleaned out our closets and sent big loads to the Salvation Army. I have big plans to get some deep cleaning done in rooms that have been waiting for some attention, like the office, guest room and laundry room. I'm still working on my husband for our trip next spring break. We had some of his family over today and they wondered why he would not take advantage of such a deal and go on a cruise. I had several offers from other people who would be happy to go on a cruise with me. Soon. We will be booking a vacation. An all-inclusive vacation. Soon.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Hi Again
Everything has been going well recently. I only have 2 more days of school left which is good and bad. Can't wait for summer, but I'm going to miss the kids and the structure. The good news is that enrollment is way up this year for some reason. We are getting calls every day, and the morning classes are almost full. My job is safe:)
Joey had Cub Scout graduation today. He went from a Tiger to a Wolf. It was at the park and unfortunately it was cool and very windy so we were freezing the whole time, and his Pack leader tends to go on and on and on and on.
We stopped at Jacque's for her graduation party after that and ended up staying way longer than expected just visiting with friends we haven't seen in a while.
Tomorrow we have a picnic for all the families from my school. Hopefully it will be a little warmer, or at least less windy.
I've still been working out every day and I love p90x. My muscles are sore after every workout, but I've been able to do more each time. And I've become not a wimp. I'm amazed at some of the things my body can do now. And the sweat that pours off me!
Ben had an uneventful week at school. We have been practicing letters at home and he recognizes almost all of them now. He has made so much progress this year, but I am also glad that he has another year of preschool. I think it will help him to be an older kindergartner and beyond.
So that's it for now. More soon about our summer adventures.
Friday, May 8, 2009
So anyway, the silent house is calling me. I'm going to go either relax or workout. (I know this is all I talk about right now, but I haven't missed a day working out in 2 weeks. Very sore, especially in my booty right now, but I feel good and I know I'm going to get thin. Eventually.)
Joey: We got 4 My Weird School books from the library Wednesday night, and by last night he was done with 3 of them. He tells me: "I love reading!" Just like his Mama.
Ben: The other day I brought him his Hawaiian shirt to wear. He said: "I want to go to Hawaiian."
Well, it's really expensive and really far away. Maybe in a few years.
"I'm going to save all my tooth fairy money when my teeth fall out and then we can go to Hawaiian."
Update: I ended up using my "me" time to scrub the bathroom and do laundry, as well as speak to my son's school about his naughty naughty thing he did today- apparently he decided that it might be a good idea to pee in the heat register instead of the toilet at school. He thought wrong. He is sooo grounded when he gets home. I'm sure I'll see the humor in this soon, but right now I am so embarrassed. And if you know my kids, you know which one did it. Grrr.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
I Think I Might Be Obsessed
Today is church and then my sister's baby shower. I took on a huge Mother's Day project for my students so I have to be working on that, plus we only have 2 weeks to practice for graduation. But after that the boys and I are going to have such a fun summer. I can't wait.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Weekly Update
We don't have much else going on right now. I only have a couple more weeks of school left, so lots of report card work, practicing for graduation, and sad goodbyes coming up. I'm excited because I've decided not to work this summer so more time for fun stuff like the pool. Joey is old enough for camps now, so he'll be going to cub scout camp a few weeks, basketball camp, soccer camp, and bicycling camp. I'll also have time to take both boys to Bible School for the first time this summer.
Sarah booked a cruise for spring break next year and I am desperately trying to convince my husband that we need to join them. He's a little weird in that a cruise, warm weather, and beaches hold no attraction to him. Unfortunately for him, he had a vacation in Europe without me last year, so now it is my turn. Stay tuned to see if I win this one.
The scale was really making me mad earlier this week, but with some dedication, I managed to take the 2 pounds it said I put back on and 2 more pounds off. So 4 pounds in 4 days and 4.5 hours of working out. I'm going to keep going and now I'm going to lose 2 pounds per week. Right. If it's in writing it must be true, right?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Going Good
Here's my goof-nuttiest nut. He arranged all his toys around a plastic tire "campfire." And don't miss those goggles. He wears them all the time, but I'm sure they'll be lost by the time swimm lessons start.
I met with Ben's principal today and feel much better. We worked out a plan for next time and she will be addressing my perceptions of attitude with the nurse.
I've also worked out 4 days in a row after that week and 1/2 off from mouth surgery. I'm a bit sore today, but renewed in spirit to finally get this weight off. I wonder how many times I'll say that before it actually works?
P.S. I can't wait for it to be 86 degrees on Friday (and pretty warm Saturday too). Saturday we are going to Galena for the day for Joey's cub scouts. Looking forward to just being warm.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Ben Update
So we stayed home for the morning which made him mad- he really wanted to go to school. I decided that since his breathing was way better and he wanted to go that I would send him to his "2nd school" I saw one of his teachers there and filled her in on the situation and headed to the grocery store. Before I even got home, hubby called to tell me that he was at the nurse and needed to be picked up. What? I thought he was fine?!?!
I go to the nurses office and the poor baby is sitting in a little chair with 3 ladies standing over him just staring at him. I right away felt his chest and tried to listen- didn't hear anything but gave nurse benefit of the doubt. Then. She started reiterating that he really just shouldn't be there and he sounds bad and there is no reason for him to be there adn on and on. Then. She asked if we have a nebulizer at home. Well, no. We use an inhalor, just like the one you have in your office.
"Well, a nebulizer is much more effective than an inhalor at this age."
Really? So the school nurse now knows more than a Momma who has been dealing with the asthma for 5 years and the Allergy specialist who gave us the inhalor and our family Dr who trusts my judgement? Hmmm. Starting to get offended now.
Take the baby home, listen to his breathing....Nothing. Not one single wheeze. No cough. Nothing.
They overreacted because I told them that he had an attack the night before.
The thing is, he has come home wheezing before and I wondered why there wasn't concern then.
So now I have to worry that my kid is going to get sent home for no reason, and that the teachers and nurse have no idea what they are listening for with his asthma. I thought it was pretty obvious. Especially now that he can talk, he pretty much lets us know when he can't breath.
Oy. So do I call the school? Do I have a meeting? I don't really know how to handle this.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Poor Ben
Wish us luck getting some sleep tonight.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Slow But Beautiful Week
In other news: I've managed to lose all my mouth stitches, some with help and some just came out. My tooth is still sore and it is hard to bite down in front, but I can pretty much eat what I want now. And I think I've run out of excuses to not work out so I'll be getting back to that tomorrow.