Whoops. I was trying to be better....
I had my second prenatal appointment yesterday and it was horrible. First the scale said I had gained almost 10 pounds in a month, which also happens to put me back where I started a year ago when I got back into working out. Amazing how easy it is to put weight on. Then I the nurse took my blood pressure and it was 140/90. Bad. Mid-pregnancy your bp is actually supposed to be lower than normal. So she checked again. 140/90. Then she left for a few minutes and came back to check it again. 136/86. Phew I thought, going down. Then the Dr came in and was VERY concerned about it, especially after hearing that I had this problem with my 1st pregnancy (even though that was much later in the pregnancy). So I have to come back in 2 weeks and be more closely monitored. She didn't say I am high-risk, but I think I am approaching that threshold. I also have to save my pee for 24 hours so they can do furthur tests on my kidneys. Ugh. I came home so upset and depressed, which I know does not help any of my problems. After a few hours I remembered that I have a bp cuff at home so I can self-test. Every time I've taken it since last night, it has been 115/78. Normal. So, I'm hoping and praying that I just have a touch of white coat syndrome, because I REALLY cannot afford to be taken off of work early.
In other news, school starts Tuesday and I am completely full with 47 3-year olds. I can't wait to get to know them. We had meet the teacher night on Tuesday, but try to imagine 47 kids, their parents, siblings, and some grandparents all in one little bitty preschool room all at once. It was a little crazy. I think I met about half of them and could identify about a third right now. Next year I am having one class at a time come in.
Ben, my baby (for a few more months), turns 5 tomorrow. He got to pick dinner tonight because tomorrow is Joey's Cub Scout campout and he is going with. He chose Hometown Buffet. Eww. In the morning before school, we will take him to Toys R Us to pick out what he wants and he will celebrate at preschool tomorrow and next Tuesday at my school with Logli's soft cookies. He has been so excited for weeks to get to pick out some toys, because Mommy has been on a no new toys strike all summer. They just have toooo much, mostly thanks to Grandma, and it ends up all over my house instead of being played with. So it will be an extra special treat for him to get something new.
Oh, the pigeons: we haven't won a race yet, but I think we one one particular branch of a race (don't ask, I don't understand all the details). For his first year, though, everyone else in his club wonders how he is doing so well. And we've lost less birds than most other lofts as well. Always look for the positive, right?
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