1. He is almost 7
2. He loves to read.
3. He hates cleaning up.
4. He's lost two baby teeth.
5. He only sleeps in underwear.
6. He sleeps in a cocoon, in the back corner of his bed, where no one can reach him.
7. He is sensitive.
8. He is a Cub Scout.
9. He likes math.
10. He has a funny shaped head, mostly because he insisted on being born upside down.
11. He doesn't like chocolate milk.
12. His brother drives him crazy.
13. He remembers everything.
14. He covers his eyes when he sees kissing on tv (hope that lasts a while)
15. He gets carsick when he reads in the car, but he won't stop.
16. He bit a hole in his tongue when he was 18 months old, and the hole is still there.
17. He's been to the ER several times, but only had stitches once.
18. We keep his hair cut very short, because otherwise he twists it into devil horns.
19. He is rarely sick - he didn't miss any days in kindergarten.
20. He can never remember what he did at school today. (See #13)
21. He's been to Disney World twice.
22. He's been to California, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and I think Iowa with his Grandma.
23. He loves our dog and won't leave her alone.
24. He has fallen out of the cart at Walmart, twice. (I'm a bad Momma)
25. I love him very, very much.
I love that post...(and I love Joey!) I beleive I'll have to blog lift it!
Hi Joey's mom. It's Sydney's mom from school. Your blog came over in a Google alert for our fair city. Take care!
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