Thursday, March 19, 2009


So I had a health screening a week ago today. Found out that my cholesterol is not good, triglycerides not good, body fat downright bad (I did already know that one, but I had hoped it would be better than last year.) They recommended that I get a lot more fiber, fruits and veggies, and a lot less cheese and red meat. Problem: I HATE veggies. Solution: I do like salad. So since Thursday I have been eating lots more fruit, salad every day, and less bad stuff. Guess what? I have lost 3 pounds in a week! It is soooo true that neither diet nor exercise alone will solve the weight problem. Now that I've added diet to the exercise I am looking forward to actually losing the weight.
I never claimed to be a genius, but you'd think I would have figured this one out before, right? Oh well.

1 comment:

Candi Billman said...

great job on the 3 lbs!
i hate veggies too...unless you put a bunch of dip with it...LOL