Yep, I've lost the equivalent of a healthy baby. I've been working real hard again over the last month or so, diet and exercise, and it is finally starting to show. It takes forever for me to start losing weight. Supposedly it is because I'm "gaining muscle," but in the meantime I get really frustrated. Then I wake up one morning down 2 lbs. And then another few days and 2 more lbs. I guess I just have to keep at it and be patient. Patience is a key word in many areas of my life.
Once Upon A Family is not going very well for me, and since I'm spreading myself so thin anyways, my husband suggested I give it up. I don't want to quit, but I also don't want to put a bunch of effort into nothing. I've done 2 all day booths the last 2 weekends and had no sales. I can only tell myself I'm getting leads for so long. I broke down tonight, I think mostly because my stress level has actually gone up since I started working part time. The kids have been driving me nuts. They are not used to spending so much time together and all they do is wrestle (when Ben is not playing in the toilet- uh-huh, 3 years old and still plays in toilets). I'm not used to spending so much time with them either. We run out of things to do and we all get frustrated. I know none of this is their fault, and I need to have more patience, but see above. Patience is not always my strong point.
So tomorrow is a new day. I'm going to take the boys to the park if it's nice out, and try not to worry about getting anything else done.
One more kid story- Joey's new thing is to write random letters and ask what he spelled. Today he wrote c-o-s-e-s and s-e-e-l next to his picture of Daddy (with a beard and mustache and glasses). And when he puts his name on a paper that he colors, he puts MR Leese. He so wants to be grown up. We have his parent-teacher conference tomorrow. I hope to hear good things about how grown up he is at school.
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