September 14, 2007 - Friday
Today is good day to count my blessings.
1 My husband- he does what he has to to support us. He's dependable. He's funny. He loves us and we love him.
2 Joey and Ben. My heart. Even when they've been running around screaming for seven weeks straight.
3 My job. It has been so wonderful. This is what teaching is supposed to be like. It's just so relaxed, the kids are alot of fun, I work with some great people. I love it.
4 Working part-time. I can actually do things besides work, come home and crash. I've been keeping up on housework (kinda), taking a class, working out, organizing an open house, stuff that I WANT to do.
5 My health. There is so much family history of ill health, so I am extra blessed not to have too many worries with mine.
6 Excersize. Crazy, but it makes me feel so good.
7 Our lack of debt. Part of it is because we are careful, but I also thank God that He has blessed us with good fortune. Many things could have gone differently in our life to change our financial situation.
8 My Family. I'm thankful to be close to my sisters, have a good relationship with my parents, and to be learning about where I came from. If it wasn't for every single one of my ancestors, I wouldn't be here and I certainly wouldn't be the person I am.
9 Life Experience. I make mistakes, but I learn from them. I am a human being. I appreciate the chance to grow.
10 Friends. I left behind many when I changed jobs, but I have been making connections and forming new friendships in different areas. I look forward to becoming closer to my new friends, and finding a way to maintain my old friendships.
God Bless
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