Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back Again

Do you miss me?

There has actually been sooo much going on since my last post, I just haven't been sure how to put it all down on here. The biggest thing is after several years of not deciding whether or not we want a 3rd child, I found out that I am pregnant in the middle of July. So today I am 10.5 weeks along, due March 15th. I've had all the symptoms the last few weeks, and certainly didn't want to use my blog to whine about this precious thing inside me which has caused so much havoc. Also with this pregnancy my feelings are so much more mixed than with my other kids. I feel I have been so blessed with two healthy children when so many other people want another (or just one), and then it was so easy for me to get pregnant again. I know there is always a reason, but I have some guilt this time. At the same time I am excited. I love babies, I love kids.

And then there is the boy vs girl thing. I'm scared to have a girl because I am used to the boys, a girl will cost more, etc, etc, but a girl would be so precious, and we would spoil her, and I could finally buy those cute girl clothes, etc, etc. So like I said, mixed feelings. I have always been so sure of my plans in life, and this just throws my security levels off.

Anyways, I don't actually want to make this a pregnancy blog. I'll try to just give periodic updates, and I do have other things going on in my life.

School- I am so excited because our enrollment is way up from last year. Our first official year as directors and we have been very successful (with some help from extenuating circumstances, but we'll take it). We are almost full now, only 3 spots in the 3's and 5 spots in the 4's. Awesome.

Joey and Ben go back to school next week, and then I don't start until after Labor Day so I am looking forward to those couple of weeks by myself. Ben and I especially have spent way too much time together this summer and he has gotten very clingy. Joey at least had his sport and Cub Scout camps, which he loved. I am so proud of him, even after a few injuries he couldn't wait to go each day.

So anyway, now that we are getting into a better routine, I will try to update my blog more often. One goal I have is to remember the hilarious things the boys say on a daily basis.

Oh, let me tell you one story about my pregnancy: Just so you know, not all pg tests have a plus sign to mean you are pregnant. SOME tests just have one control line and one other line to mean positive. And also, if you aren't sure, you probably shouldn't throw the instructions away. I went a week and a half thinking that I had a negative test and was just late before finally taking another test and looking at the instructions. Yes, I am one of those people from the commercials that incorrectly reads a pg test. Ha. Ha.

1 comment:

Jacque said...

that is too funny!