Monday, March 30, 2009

Good News

So in order to fully enjoy my spring break last week, and because I was so busy, I neither worked out nor dieted at all the whole week. The good news is that my weight is exactly the same as it was 10 days ago (down to the tenth of a pound). So now I am back on the wagon. Turned on My Fitness Coach to be berated about missing my workouts, turned on Wii Fit to be berated for not visiting for 10 days, got to work, and now I'm ready for more progress. I also ordered 2 new Turbo Jam workouts from Amazon yesterday for some new motivation.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

So Many Things, I Don't Know Where To Start or Spring Break is Awesome!

We've had quite the adventurous week over here, despite the horrid weather that I hear is about to get much worse.
Sunday: We did take advantage of the one nice day and go to the park for a few hours. That ended when a big boy kicked Ben in the face. grrr
Monday: Museum of Science and Industry. We loved the submarine, trains, coal mine, chick hatchery, farm exhibit, and especially sticking our heads in all the photo props.On the drive home Ben fell asleep before he could even finish his Doritos. Tuesday I got to have a girls day trip to Archivers. I only got a few pages done, but I had fun and learned from my master scrapbook friends Sarah and Candi.No pictures for Wednesday. We closed on refinancing the house, I did some grocery shopping and chores, and we relaxed a bit.
Thursday I took the boys to Coco Key in the morning. They had a great time but it was really crowded. After 3 hours we were done. So we got some lunch and then got to visit Baby Charlie at home. He is doing sooo good. He pretty much eats and sleeps, rarely cries, and makes some great faces already.And here are the birds.

Today we head in to Navy Pier to see Monsters vs Aliens on the IMAX. And tomorrow I fully plan to do nothing.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

They're Huge!!!

And you can't even really tell by the pics. Now the parents are getting ready to lay another set of eggs.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Birthday!

One day late on the birthday wishes, hope you had a good day yesterday, Sarah.
Can't wait to give you your gift:)

Thursday, March 19, 2009


So I had a health screening a week ago today. Found out that my cholesterol is not good, triglycerides not good, body fat downright bad (I did already know that one, but I had hoped it would be better than last year.) They recommended that I get a lot more fiber, fruits and veggies, and a lot less cheese and red meat. Problem: I HATE veggies. Solution: I do like salad. So since Thursday I have been eating lots more fruit, salad every day, and less bad stuff. Guess what? I have lost 3 pounds in a week! It is soooo true that neither diet nor exercise alone will solve the weight problem. Now that I've added diet to the exercise I am looking forward to actually losing the weight.
I never claimed to be a genius, but you'd think I would have figured this one out before, right? Oh well.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pigeon Update

Ok, I don't really get the cute factor like my husband had hoped, but the changes they go through in just 24 hours are amazing, aren't they? (And isn't it nice that I finally got smart and put the day on the picture?)
A cute Ben story with the pigeons: The 2 non-homing pigeons are "his." He named them Mr and Mrs Sammy (I think for his cousin). You can see Mrs Sammy here. She is the second one. See how her feathers stick up? It's technically called a frill. Well, when Ben was visiting the babies, he pointed out that "when the babies get olda, we're gonna hafta teach dem to spike der haiw." Right. That's one of the things they'll have to learn. :)

More Human Baby Pics

Just had to add some more pictures of the precious baby. He is doing super good and it sounds like he should be going home by this evening. Can't wait to spend more time with him.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A New Human Baby:):):)

Welcome Baby Charlie. If you haven't been paying attention, my sister has been in the hospital for over a month with pre-term labor. Today her water broke, and she was 34 weeks and 2 days along, so they decided the baby was coming. Lots of story between then and now, but I'm sure she'll want to tell the story on her blog when she feels up to it. Mom and baby are doing great, he might even get to go home with her. Congrats Heather. You did a great job!
And here are those pigeon babies. Day 9 and 10.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Babies Day 7 and 8

Day 7 Day 8- They are getting so big already.We put bands on their legs today. They didn't really love it. When I helped hold one down he tried to bite me with his teeny tiny beak. Silly.

More later about my health screening I had yesterday, and the survey I did with the boys.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Babies Day 5 and 6

Day 5
Day 6Why do we have so many babies? Well, several reasons. 1-my husbands ideas are usually bigger than his space/money/time. 2-We have 12 pairs and they each lay 2 eggs, so 24 babies (23 have hatched now) 3-many of the Mommas and Daddas are loaner birds which have to be returned to their owners after we have babies, so we need some for racing and some for mating to make more racers. 4-one (I) can hope that maybe we could sell some if we get to having too many.
In other news, public registration started this week at preschool. We are so excited to have almost 20 more students enrolled than at this time last year. My co-director and I are breathing a huge sigh of relief that are jobs are secure and our changes have gone over very well.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Babies Day 4

We're up to 19 babies. This first pic is of the babies of our 2 non-homing pigeons. They are quite a bit smaller than homing pigeons. This is how I get to take the pictures. Hungry birds let their babies fend for themselves for a few minutes. I even touched one today. You should see these birds fight for the food. It's kinda like 9 piglets trying to eat off 8 nipples. One shoves it's way in, pushing another out. The pushed out bird moves down a few inches and pushes a different one out. Over and over every 2 seconds or so. After about 5 minutes the food is completely gone.

And here are our first two babies on day 4. Their eyes are starting to open and you can already see how much they are growing.

PS: Daddy took most of the pictures up until today. That is why they are not the same every day. I will try to get out there from now on. There is a reason I am the family photographer.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Babies Day 3

We missed day 2 because of some technical difficulties, but here are the babies on day 3. We now have 14 babies with a few more to hatch yet.

Friday, March 6, 2009

They're Pretty Ugly, But...

A few of the babies were born last night. I'm taking it in good faith that they will get cuter soon.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Babies Coming Soon

Our pigeon babies are due to start hatching on Saturday. Apparently they grow very fast - by 28 days they are on their own- so I plan to take a picture of one every day and post it so you can see our babies grow. The only kind of babies that will be growing at our house.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Scrappin' Post

I don't like to post twice in one day, but I'm feeling motivated and there is nothing on TV (I refuse to have any part in that nasty Bachelor show). I took some pictures of the totally adorable, awesome scrapbook I made for the boys when we went to Archivers this weekend. The product line is Bo Bunny.

Pretty simple, but all of the boys seemed to really like it. And I felt pretty creative and proud for putting it together.

More Things

  1. a clean house
  2. Crystal Light drink packets
  3. pictures
  4. kids
  5. historical fiction
  6. online bill pay
  7. sarcasm
  8. naps
  9. sales
  10. Kohl's
  11. Target
  12. Yoplait Light
  13. respect
  14. courtesy
  15. a good giggle
  16. Facebook
  17. water parks
  18. California
  19. Disney World
  20. vacations
  21. Spring
  22. Summer
  23. compliments
  24. hugs
  25. honesty
  26. a tan
  27. clean sheets
  28. anything pumpkin
  29. Cricut
  30. learning new things
  31. my job
  32. my church
  33. my pastor
  34. running water
  35. electricity
  36. my home
  37. monkeys
  38. the zoo
  39. fruity drinks
  40. my stylist
  41. my hair
  42. part-time work
  43. my life
  44. musicals
  45. Tylenol
  46. bread
  47. genealogy
  48. internet
  49. USA
  50. YOU (for reading my blog)

So the second 50 were a bit more of a struggle, but you should try it. There are so many things in our lives to be thankful for.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Things I Love

I saw a really neat scrapbook page the other day that used 100 things the person loved. I started thinking and wondered if I could come up with that many. The answer is yes, I think I can. Here are the 50 I came up with in the last 15 minutes. I have to go take Joe to Cub Scouts now, but I'll finish later. (Can you get all my "themes"?)

dark chocolate
cheese pizza
fast food
toasted ravioli

Biggest Loser
Grey's Anatomy




fuzzy blankets
cozy socks
snuggly hugs

Brad Paisley
Tim Mcgraw
Kenny Chesney
Montgomery Gentry

Dean Koontz
Steven King
Karen Kingsbury
Wally Lamb
JK Rowling

Kung Fu Panda
Harry Potter
27 Dresses
romantic comedies

Tae Bo
Jillian Michaels
Turbo Jam
Wii Fit
My Fitness Coach