Wednesday, February 25, 2009

25 Things About Ben

1. He is 4 and a half
2. He loves being read to
3. He might be addicted to cartoons
4. He has blond hair and brown eyes - the rest of us have brown hair and hazel eyes.
5. He has asthma and winters suck for him.
6. His sole purpose in life seems to be to drive his brother (and therefore his parents) crazy.
7. He's a snacker- if he never has to sit down to another meal that would be just fine.
8. He goes to 2 schools - my school in the morning and the public preschool in the afternoon.
9. He still comes to my bed in the middle of the night about half the time.
10. He can write his name and identify about 10 letters.
11. He likes to look at his scrapbooks.
12. He wants to be a swimming teacher when he grows up.
13. He still can't pronounce the "r" sound.
14. For all his craziness he's never been to the hospital for an injury (only for asthma)
15. He also hates cleaning up.
16. He loves green beans.
17. He's a Momma's Boy.
18. He likes to sing while he's in the bathroom.
19. He has a great imagination- he makes up stories for his characters while he's playing by himself.
20. He is really good when he plays by himself, except see #15
21. He can't wait to grow up and be a Daddy, but he's not getting mawied.
22. He's a surprisingly good snuggler when we're watching movies together.
23. He does not care if his clothes match.
24. His giggle can make even a grump smile.
25. I love him very, very much.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

25 Things About Joey

1. He is almost 7
2. He loves to read.
3. He hates cleaning up.
4. He's lost two baby teeth.
5. He only sleeps in underwear.
6. He sleeps in a cocoon, in the back corner of his bed, where no one can reach him.
7. He is sensitive.
8. He is a Cub Scout.
9. He likes math.
10. He has a funny shaped head, mostly because he insisted on being born upside down.
11. He doesn't like chocolate milk.
12. His brother drives him crazy.
13. He remembers everything.
14. He covers his eyes when he sees kissing on tv (hope that lasts a while)
15. He gets carsick when he reads in the car, but he won't stop.
16. He bit a hole in his tongue when he was 18 months old, and the hole is still there.
17. He's been to the ER several times, but only had stitches once.
18. We keep his hair cut very short, because otherwise he twists it into devil horns.
19. He is rarely sick - he didn't miss any days in kindergarten.
20. He can never remember what he did at school today. (See #13)
21. He's been to Disney World twice.
22. He's been to California, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and I think Iowa with his Grandma.
23. He loves our dog and won't leave her alone.
24. He has fallen out of the cart at Walmart, twice. (I'm a bad Momma)
25. I love him very, very much.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

More Prayers

I know I've been asking for lots of prayers lately, but here's another:
My Father-in-law needs a liver transplant. He has a tumor that is probably cancer and not easy to remove. Because he also has cirrhosis and Hep C, surgery is not a solution. My MIL does not handle stress well and is freaking out, but the rest of us have offered to get tested to donate our liver. Unfortunately, he is my husband's step-father so they are not blood related and that lessens the chances that they match.
So please help me send up some more prayers for my family.

PS My sister is still in the hospital. She started a blog to give updates. It's on my list to the left: Here I Come...Ready or Not.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy President's Day

*The sickness is making it's rounds here at our house. Considering none of us gets sick very often (besides Ben's asthma), it's been extremely not fun. First I got a nasty cold complete with fever that lasted 4 days. Then Ben got it, and the poor baby can't breathe through his mouth or nose. Now Joey, who has not missed a day of school since he started, hasn't eaten anything in 36 hours. He threw up over the side of his top bunk Saturday night (sorry for the image), and ran a pretty high fever all day yesterday. Today I'm trying to at least get him drinking so he doesn't end up in the hospital. I feel so bad for my babies when they are sick. It is just not a pleasant experience, especially when you are not used to it.

*I finished the greatest book yesterday: The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb. If you have the time and patience for a 700 page book, I highly recommend it. I'm not going to give anything away, but it covered many relevant ideas and was very readable.

*Friday night we had a Sweetheart Dinner at school. It went well but I had a moral dilemma that I am now feeling horribly guilty about. There was a drawing for prizes. People could buy tickets for $.50 or 3 for $1. The prizes were mostly cheap, white elephant gifts from our houses. (It was a fundraiser for our scholarship fund.) So if your name was drawn, you got to go choose a prize. Well, as I was drawing names, I kept pulling the same names over and over again. So I threw some repeats back and tried to find new names to win a prize. I wasn't trying to cheat, and I wasn't trying to take anything away from anyone, but these kids are 3 and 4 years old. They don't really understand that not everyone can win something. So, we're certainly doing something different next year, but should I apologize to the families? I realize now that it was supposed to be a random drawing and I didn't follow the rules. This has just been eating at me. I wasn't trying to do anything wrong, but I screwed up again at work.

*My sister has been back in the hospital and back in labor, but as of right now the contractions have slowed way down again and hopefully she'll be coming home again with the baby still in her tummy. We're hoping at this point to get at least past the 32 week point (and the baby shower).

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Substitute Blogger

A story:
uonc upon a
time there was a
boy named Jack
that traded his
cow for magic
beans. then he
planted them it
grew and grew
untule it reached
the sky he climed
it when he reached
the top he
found a house.
it had a giant
in it he was sleep-
ing he woke up.
he saw Jack
he said get out
Jack did not.
he said I was
just looking.
then he grabd
Jack he said
getout again.
but I was Just
walking by
said Jack.
there is nothing
to see said the
giant but evry-
thing is so big
and it's so neat.
well yes said
the giant
then he was
being nice.
he set Jack
down he told
Jack a story
Just like
What he did.
but it was
a little
difrent to what
he did it was
kind of neat.
but better
then what he
did but it
was what
the giant did.
but they put
them together
to make a
diffrent story.
they shared
the storyys
they thoght
they decided
witch story
they would share
in a book.
Jack had it
they gave
people books
about it.
the end
by Joey (age 6)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Check Me Out!

We have to bake a cake and decorate it for Joey's Cub Scout hoo-rah next week. It was causing me a certain degree of anxiety because I am not a baker, not a decorator, and do not have a steady hand. So I decided we better have a practice run today. The theme is Valentine's Day (duh) and I think I did pretty good. I learned some things to do better for next time, so now I'm looking forward to making another one.

It was just a white cake, but it was pretty tasty, too.
Proud of myself for trying another new thing.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Here We Are

A small photo update here:
This is a funny Ben story- he decided that he wanted a toy that he had left in the car. When Daddy didn't go fast enough to get it, he grabbed the garage door opener, put on his coat and boots (and nothing else) and headed out to the car. Fortunately we heard the garage door opening and found him. The car was locked, of course, and it was freezing outside, but whatever. He wanted his toy.
Here the boys are still helping get the bird stuff done. This is a feeded they are putting together.

And the coolest one- the pigeons will eat out of our hands now. Joey especially loves to go our and fed the birds each afternoon.

In this one I was brave enough to go into the loft with the birds flying around my head so I could get a good picture.

Ok, that's all I have for today. I have a board meeting at school this evening and we have many things to figure out. I hope it all works out but I'm nervous and don't want to screw anything up already.