Monday, November 7, 2011

Report Card Day!

I love report card day. I always look forward to feedback from the boys' teachers on how they are doing, and am proud of them no matter what. This report card made us a little nervous because Joey started the gifted program this year and the teacher let us know that we should not expect straight A's. She stressed that the kids are being tested on 5th and 6th grade materials (they are in 4th) and as long as they are mostly getting A's and B's we should be happy. Well, Joey is getting A's and B's! 3 A's- math, spelling and social studies; and 3 B's- reading, English and science.
Ben is not getting letter grades yet, but he also has an awesome report card: S+ in reading and math, E in spelling, and S in English. His conduct is S-, but I am proud of how far he has come and how much better he is doing from even last year.
Good thing I made pumpkin muffins before they got home from school today, because they sure deserved a treat!

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