Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Here's what happened: Remember how I ordered the Wii and Wii Fit a couple weeks ago? Obviously (to everyone but my husband) it was for Christmas. Specifically it was from Santa. Can you see where thi is going? Daddy happened to be home with Ben when the package arrived and OPENED IT RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM! Then he left it out in the living room so Joey could see it when he got home from school. I tried to recover and act like it didn't happen and the boys didn't mention it for a long time, but then I said something about asking Santa for a Wii the other day and they both reminded me that "we already have that." Oh. So I tried saying that Santa dropped it off early and needed extra help and blah blah blah, but they aren't really buying it and still are asking Santa for different things. Things we cannot afford. Hello, the Wii costs a lot of money! I'll be sending my dear husband to the store today in the snow to get some Santa presents for under the tree. Grrr. Sometimes it feels like he doesn't even live here (but that's a whole nother story that I shall not get into.)

1 comment:

Jacque said...

I believe we have all had the Santa snafoos at some point or another. Even when they are too old to believe...it is still an oops! I picked Stephanie up last night in the truck just as I realized her Santa present was sitting plain as day in the back of the truck. Greatfully I don't think she noticed...