Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm Having Some Time to Myself

Sometimes it is hard to get motivated to blog, but I think I've got it now....
The boys left with Grandma and Grandpa on Sunday afternoon and the biggest thing I've been doing is CLEANING. I'm doing one room a day and really cleaning things that haven't seen the light of day for an embarrassing amount of time. I worked on the kitchen tonight, scrubbed out the sink and behind it, under the toaster oven, everything is off the counter, it looks really good. Sunday was the living room. I bought new slipcovers for the chairs and pretty much just straightened and vacuumed. And washed the windows. Eww. Tomorrow is the bathroom. I hate the bathroom. Can someone come do the bathroom for me? The thing about the bathroom is that even if I scrub it from top to bottom it will be dirty again in just a few days. At least the living room and kitchen are relatively low-maintenance for a while.
Anyway, I also worked yesterday and today. It was traumatic- I had to break up 2 fights. I have never seen such violence from such young children. I think I have the rest of the week off, and Daddy might take a night off so we can do something while the kids are gone. He wants to do stinkin research and I'm really not into that right now. What else do grown-ups without kids do on a day off? We've gotten to where we just have no clue. Plus not a lot of $ to spend right now. But we did go to the 10:45PM movie Sunday night. Hancock. It was ok, but the best thing was just the adventure of going to a movie that late. And I met some girls at Tumbleweeds last night for dinner, enjoying myself without watching the clock for when I should go home.
So I'll let you know what we decide, and hopefully it won't be just to sit around at home all day, although my house is looking pretty spiffy right now...

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