Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's Almost Time

First of all, a big Happy Birthday to Candi. Looks like you're having a great one so far, so here's one more wish for a happy day.

Last night was meet the teacher night at my school. So I had to finally get my room all the way ready for the first day. I have pretty much been working every day and I felt like it was almost ready, but I still was there all day yesterday doing last minute touch-ups. It turned out great, and we had an awesome turnout of kids and parents, and grandparents. At one point I swear there were 50 people in my little room. It was overwhelming, but from the small amount of time I was able to spend with the kids, they all seem great. I now cannot wait for school to start. I have so many ideas for what we're going to do this year, and I feel like I'll have more freedom to do things my way after getting that first year out of the way. All I have left to do is make a couple phone calls to parents who haven't turned in physicals, make nametags, and add my two new students to my lists. (I am down to 2 openings, yay!)

Joey is doing better- no more teasing.

Ben seems to be just loving school. He is so independent.

Tomorrow my sister and I will be braving the Waterfront crowds to go see Montgomery Gentry. I'm looking forward to a night out before we get back into the day-to-day. I am also looking forward to getting back into that routine, though. I sooo need to work out again, and we've all been eating out way too much.

Sounds like a lot of people are going away for the weekend, so enjoy! I hope to be writing about us going away for a weekend very soon.

1 comment:

Candi Tardio said...

thanks for the birthday wishes!!! i had the best birthday!
bet you had fun at the concert :)