Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Stories of Our Week

Story #1- I forgot to come back and update after our anniversary. Woke up and found a very nice card from hubby. Spent most of the early part of the day just hanging out with the boys while he worked in the loft. Then the 4 of us went to see Madagascar 2 at the theater. So funny. The grown-ups laughed more than the kids I think, and my husband was in the movie! I swear he is Moto-moto. You'll have to see it to believe it. After the movie we dropped the kids off at Grandma's with Burger King and we headed out to dinner at Outback. My favorite bad for you restaurant. And it was bad for me. But yummy yummy. We even had dessert- Sidney's Sinful Sundae. I almost passed out from the ecstasy. But then I couldn't even move for next 5 hours. Oh well. It was worth it. Over all a very good day.

Story #2- Ben had to go to the immediate care on Friday. He had been wheezing and coughing and the inhalor wasn't helping. Turned out to have a minor double ear infection so we have antibiotics and steroids for a few days. It has been very difficult keeping him from running around and he's had some killer temper tantrums from the steroids, but he seems to be feeling better.

Story #3 - I have a Dr appt tomorrow. Technically it is my annual exam, but I'm hoping for some answers as to why I haven't lost weight. I had my blood tests Saturday. There could be something with my thyroid, yet again. Either way, hopefully she can help me.

Story #4- The Loft. Lots of progress being made out there. I'm starting to see what it will be like. See if you can see:

This is the side wall (two big doors) before.

And after.Here is the inside before we got started.Add some walls, level out the floor...Raise the floor on the coop side...

And here is one of the pens. They have plenty of room to fly around, and they can go outside as they please when the window is open.

Here are the 4 birds we have so far. The 3 gray ones are the racers.

Story #5 - Oh, wait, my life is not that interesting. 4 stories was all I had in me. Have a good night.


Jacque said...

Where do they live now, while you are building their home?

Stacie said...

We closed off one area so they stay in there. While he is working they'll prob go outside or in a smaller cage.