Saturday, April 18, 2009

Slow But Beautiful Week

Joey had his 2nd round of Pinewood Derby today. He was happy to come in 2nd and we were happy to be done for this year. Daddy and the boys spent the day together while I was up at Whitewater for an Early Childhood Conference all day. It was a great time and I can't wait to use what I learned. The rest of the pictures are from Monday when the boys and I walked to the park at Joey's school. I LOVE taking pictures outside in the summertime. I'm already noticing myself taking a lot more pictures. Too bad if anything important happens in Winter. I like that sun!

In other news: I've managed to lose all my mouth stitches, some with help and some just came out. My tooth is still sore and it is hard to bite down in front, but I can pretty much eat what I want now. And I think I've run out of excuses to not work out so I'll be getting back to that tomorrow.
I only have FOUR more weeks of school left! It's bittersweet, because I'm looking forward to this summer, but I love the kids and they'll be mine no longer:( Plus the end of the year crunch is awful. There are way too many things to do in the time we have left.

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