Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1st Day Recap

The first day went really well. We had only two upset parents because they didn't have the physical that they had all summer to get so their baby couldn't start. One crying 3-year old in each class, but they both stopped in the first 10 minutes. A couple of kids who I can tell are going to be quite the handful. And mostly just a great group of adorable kids. We are going to have so much fun this year.
Daddy and Grandma managed to get Ben onto the bus this morning, and Daddy was able to pick up both boys with no mishaps (it was not a sure thing). Then Daddy walked out the door to go to work as soon as I walked in. Tuesdays and Thursdays will be a little hard because we won't see each other at all, but the other days we'll have a couple hours in the afternoon while both kids are at school. We have plans tomorrow afternoon to go shopping for Ben's birthday present. Poor Ben. I will never have another child with a September birthday. I have been so busy getting ready for school to start and getting all of us in a routine that I haven't even thought about what we're doing for his special day. And Daddy and Joey are going camping for the whole weekend so we won't be able to do anything then. Oh well, at least he gets to celebrate at school, twice, unlike Joey and I.

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