Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Lesson In Rudeness

Is it not considered rude to tell someone that they are rude? Or gang up on them in front of complete strangers? It just baffles me when I run into people who feel "entitled" to respect from others but don't give it. And those store cashiers are people, too. They are not getting paid extra for people to yell at them.
Here's the story: I was in line at Target and the woman in front of me had some shorts which she thought should have been clearance. Anyone who shops at Target knows that their clearance has red tags, but apparently she didn't care. She pointed out the rack that she got them from to the cashier and then to the manager. The manager walked over to the rack, came back and told her that the clearance sign is on the back of the rack and the shorts are clearly marked $8.99. I was relieved because, really, I had been in line for a while and wanted to check out. All of a sudden this lady is yelling at the manager that she is rude. The manager apologized, several times, saying that she didn't intend to be, she just was trying to let her know that the shorts were not on clearance. As I'm gaping at this woman, another woman from another line started lecturing the manager as well. Oh. My. Please control your mouth if you have nothing nice to say. So the poor manager eventually walked away with a very red face, and the poor cashier had to complete the sale while these two ladies just ranted and raved. I have been treated badly many times by those customers who are always right, and it never gets easier or less embarrassing. We all say things that perhaps come out the wrong way. Just because we are employees does not mean we have to be called on it out in public. I find myself smiling in commiseration with cashiers frequently, and it just gets worse and worse.....
Ok, I'm getting off my soapbox now. I realize I was ranting and raving there.
Just please, please, remember that cashiers are people, too, and we all deserve respect.

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