Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hi There

Sorry I haven't been back since Mother's Day. The rest of the day went fine. Ben only puked the one time and was fine the rest of the day. Kinda wierd but... We ended up going bowling in the afternoon, and then my Mom and sister came over for a bit.
I've been working, working, working on getting the end of the year stuff done for school. I have to do 3 different programs, plus now I offered to do the one for the 4's. I had to print out diplomas for everyone. Pull together their portfolios. Practice the program. Report cards. Clean the room. ...Ok it doesn't sound as bad as it is. I only have the kids for 2 hours twice a week. Makes it real hard to do assessments for 15 kids in that time period.
But the good news is I am done in one week and one day. Then it is off to my cushy summer job, playing outside with kids and no other responsibilities. I cannot wait. The boys are signed up for swimming and gymnastics over the summer. They are very excited about that. We are planning a zoo trip while Daddy is in England, and I also want to take the kids to the Young at Heart Festival. Other than that we won't be doing too much because Joey still has school every afternoon.
One last news note: today I got a comment from a blog "celebrity" Cardiogirl visited and left a comment about puke on Mother's Day. So cool. Sometimes it's scary to realize that there are people I don't know actually reading what I write. Then I look at what I write and wonder why. I'm pretty boring. But thanks for reading and thinking I'm not too boring.

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