Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St Patrick's Day

My Open House yesterday was... not cause for suicide? Ok that was a little harsh. In four hours I had 2 people stop by (at the same time). For the other 3 I got to read. The people that did stop by made purchases (one very large) and I did get one outside order, so it really wasn't that bad. Just disappointing for how much time and effort I invested in it. Oh well, I'll just keep plugging away and soon I will be successful. Maybe after the economy stabilizes. Ha ha. Don't care to get into that right now.

The only other thing going on today is that I have been nauseous since about bedtime last night. I have been so lucky this winter that none of us has been sick at all with all the nasty germs all around us, but now I feel kinda crappy. Not enough to throw up, just enough for me to be uncomfortable. All night. And all day. Yech.

It's St Patrick's Day today and I really thought we would start a family tradition around this holiday, but the best we are doing is all wearing green. With Easter in less than a week we are not even talking about it at school. Nope, just trying to explain to 45 3-year olds that Jesus died on the cross and then came back just for us. The whole death part of it is very difficult to explain. Some of the kids are very sad that baby Jesus died and that people were mean to him. By the end of the week I hope to make them understand the happy part of Easter. At this point their parents are probably wondering exactly what we've been talking about. One little girl went home and said Jesus traded wine for money. ??? Lost in translation, there.

Ben is in rare form today. He has made Joey cry several times, threw his lunch away when I wasn't looking so he could eat treats, snuck candy, got ahold of one of my ink pads and inked his face, played 52000 card pickup (except he didn't pick them up), and it is not even 2 o'clock. I am going to take him to Walgreens now and hope he goes to sleep so I can have a little break.

Luck of the Irish to ya.

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