Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Some stories to share:

Saturday night my dear, dear husband came home and said "I bought something for you, against my better judgement." First of all, what is that supposed to mean? Second of all, what did you buy? Because I have a fairly typical male husband who doesn't buy things for other people very often, and when he does he doesn't always get it quite right.
So it turns out he bought me a treadmill, something I never mentioned, asked for, wanted. Oh boy. How to tell him I appreciate the thought while also making it clear that his "judgement" is right and it would just collect dust, leading him to not buy me gifts in the future. "Honey," I said, "I really don't like treadmills. I have been saying for a while that I would like an elliptical machine, not treadmill."
"Well, what's the difference?"
"Um...a lot"
"But I got a really good deal, and it has all these gadgets on it."
"Great. If you want to start working out, go for it."
So he returned the treadmill the next day and happened to know someone who had an elliptical in their basement they wanted to get rid of. I now have a (fairly old, squeaky- but no complaints) elliptical machine. I've been doing that 25 minutes a day on top of my videos, but still no more weight loss to report.

The other day, Joey woke up first and we had to get ready for the dentist so he and I were in his room (that he shares with Ben) going through his old clothes to find shorts. After a few minutes Ben stirred. Joey said "Good morning Benny." Ben said "Bose of you, get out of here so I can get some sleep!!!!!" Apparently he had a long night.

My sister and I went to Blue Man Group Sunday night. It was good, but I didn't get into it as much as I thought I would. Some parts I laughed real hard, and I thought it was really cool how they played music on pvc pipe, but it just didn't have that oomph I expected. My sister reports that the show in Chicago (not the tour) is much better.

Both boys had excellent reports at the dentist. No cavities, although Joey gagged on the toothpaste and she couldn't finish cleaning his teeth. Ben was a wiggle worm. That kid cannot sit still when someone is paying attention to him, just like a puppy.

Speaking of puppies, I finished Marley And Me. It was a good book, but you really have to be a dog lover to get it. A dog lover I am not. Sorry. One of my flaws.

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