Saturday, April 12, 2008

More Change

Guess what I just did? No? Well I'll tell you. I just ordered this. And some books to teach myself to play. I am so excited and can't wait to get started. This is going to come in handy at school, and I will be cool, and I will feel talented if I can actually do it. I'll be happy to put on a show for you anytime.
Why, you wonder? Well, I was at an excellent 2-day Early Childhood Conference this weekend. One of my instructors (Scripture songs for Children) inspired me. She said she taught herself to play at the age of 33 and if she can do it anyone can. She also shared with us that she has Turret's Syndrome and was terrified to get up in front of people, but felt that God was calling her to do just that. SO now she plays guitar and sings in front of hundreds of people and loves it. I guess I saw a little of myself in that story (not the Turret's, just being uncomfortable in front of people and trying new things), so I told myself, "self, playing guitar would be totally awesome. Why don't you give it a try?" And self said, "yep, let's check ebay and amazon and see what kind of investment is needed." Well, turns out less than $100 can get you going. So I'm getting going. I'll let you know how it goes. ;)

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