Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Boobie Update

Here is Ben with his "boobies"/"earplugs."

I keep trying to take pictures of the nice new office, but there is still clutter. Will keep trying.

Today I got up, washed dishes, did laundry, took down all the Christmas decorations (by myself), went to work for a couple hours, came home, did laundry, ... the house looks nice, my classroom looks nice, I feel like I accomplished something, it's all good. Now I just need to get all the laundry put away. The hard part.

Oh, yesterday we went to 2 movies. I've been to the theater 3 times this week which is a record. We saw National Treasure - very cute, and I Am Legend- very tense. Then we came home and I fell asleep on the couch but woke up for the countdown before heading to bed.

Tomorrow Daddy has to go back to work. I am actually looking forward to going back on Thursday. I start missing the kids and the interactions. I don't think I could be a stay-at-home mom. Hats off to those that can.

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