Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bullet Points

*Joey got his kindergarten report card yesterday, which means he is halfway done. Oy this goes so fast. The good news is that even with the trouble he's been getting into he still had a great report card- all S's. The teacher says he is an eager learner and is well-liked in class. Super news.

*I had another OUAF show this morning. I think I like doing morning shows, because I still have the rest of the day to do stuff. Like run to Target with the rest of town. It was way crazy in there! I had to park far away and run in the -20 degree windchill. Crazy. Got some milk and cereal and a gift for our gift exchange tonight at scrap night. Can't wait for that since I had to miss the last one. Then in 3 more weeks we go away for a whole weekend to scrap. I'm excited, but unsure of what I will do. I need to get more organized before I go.

*Speaking of -20, my crazy husband is on his way out to go hunting. This is the first year he hasn't gotten a deer and this is the last day so he refuses to stay home. Stupid. What if he gets frostbite? And if he does get one, he's going to make me really late for my scrap night. Grr. I don't get it. What is the point?

*Oh, I sold my first ebay item. My Tae bo videos went for $41. Pretty good for my first try. Better than $.99. The person who bought them is actually a Tae bo trainer, so I guess they're going to a good home. She already told me she's selling some of them, though. Oh well, guess I can't control that.

*I did get my new Tae bo amped set. I did the first 2 Thursday and Friday. It uses a 3 pound bar- a big adjustment for me. My shoulders and back HURT, but I am going to be so strong. I got to work out Friday because we had to cancel school. When we arrived in the morning our rooms were 53 degrees. Not good. The furnace guy didn't come til lunch time so we couldn't let the kids come in and freeze. Not sure what's going to happen with my paycheck, but it was nice because Joey went to school in the afternoon and Ben took a nap so I had like 3 hours to myself. I worked out and then read in silence for a while. I actually got a little bored!

*Ok I can't seem to tie my thoughts together coherently, so I'm going to do my blog in bullet points. I am jealous of people who write their blogs all about one thing, or are able to transition from one topic to the next. Not me. Oh well, this works for me.

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