Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday Recap

I have a lot of things I want to write about today. I hope I can get them all down the way I want.

*This morning we had our everybody wrestle in Mommy and Daddy's bed ritual for the first time in a while. Our schedules have been too crazy to sleep in lately, but today both boys woke before us and came to our bed. Ben starts with me, being goofy and trying to tickle me. I send him to tickle Daddy who doesn'r even stir. Then Joey jumps in and starts getting Ben and me. All of sudden I'm getting tickled by Daddy which just amazes the kids. It was fun family time that we've been kinda missing out on. (I'll have to check for bruises later- Daddy tickles hard!)

*We took the boys bowling for the first time today. It was a blast, especially not having to deal with the smoking. Joey was able to hold the ball and throw it down the lane pretty well by the end. He had this crazy wind-up dance that was fun to watch. Ben marched his ball up to the line, set it down andshoved it as hard as he could. The ball never got stuck, but it sure was agonizing watching it meander down to the pins. He was just delighted with himself every time, coming to give double high fives with each score. A couple of times he set the ball down and kicked it before we explained to him that bowling is not like soccer.

*Have to share this dear husband story. I'm standing at the sink washing dishes and he is standing at the fridge. He notices that there are no bottles of water in the fridge so bends down and opens the new case right next to him. I'm about to say I'm going to grab the camera to record him putting water in the fridge since it never happens when I realize that, no, he is not putting water in the fridge. He is getting one for himself and leaving the rest to get warm. All I could do was stare incredulously. He noticed me staring and still chose to walk away. So I finished the dishes and moved on to loading the fridge. Then laundry, straighten up.... all for his family to come over to watch the game this evening. Hmm.

*Going to talk more about this later, but I'm just finishing up The Golden Compass series. I think that some of the subjects in the stories may not be appropriate for young children, but I did find the books to be quite fascinating. If they are read as fantasy. I like fantasy. I loved Harry Potter (who didn't), and The Wheel of Time series, and even the Left Behind series. But I read them as fiction. Not as something trying to influence my beliefs. I am strong enough in my faith that I don't find them to be offensive. So that's my opinion about that subject. Now I would like to see the movie to see how it is adapted from the book. The special effects seem pretty awesome.

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