Thursday, January 24, 2008

Mustaches and Pizza!?!

Yesterday was my full day of working. After work I ran Grandma home, got Joey off the bus, straightened up a bit, then headed out for a haircut. I love getting my hair cut. {Which might explain why my hair is so short.} My stylist and I are a lot alike and we always have a great conversation. Last night, she had a student with her who she was "training." It was interesting to hear her talk about my hair. It is very thick and there is a ton of it, which apparently makes the cut a little complicated. I found out that she razors my hair every other time and uses scissors every other time. And she can never thin it enough. I don't ever have to worry about going bald. Gray, yes. I've been plucking many of those. Anyway, then it was on to the lip wax. My abundance of hair does extend to my lip, and I would prefer not. In case you've never had a lip wax, you should know that I am subjecting myself to great pain to avoid my mustache. But this time she had this new wax that she used me as a guinea pig for. I wasn't too keen on being a guinea pig, or having 4 people stand over me to see the hair removed from my face, but it really was less painful. Gotta love that.
So after all of our chatting I got home 20 minutes later than I expected to find the hungry family waiting in the driveway for me. Apparently I can't leave at dinner time and expect Daddy to figure something out. He figured out Pizza Ranch. It was my first naughty eating since starting this diet and it was good, but my tummy hurt after and the scale didn't like me this morning so I consider it not worth it and not going to happen again anytime soon. Except maybe this weekend when I'm out of town. Going to Chicago for OUAF training. I'll do my best to eat healthy, but I don't think I'll always have too many choices. Super excited to meet other consultants and get motivated, though.

Today after work I did Tae bo Sculpt Express for 45 minutes. I am going to be so sculpted!

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