Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I worked out again today. I really wasn't planning on making this commitment right now, but I'm moving while I have the momentum. I am really sore from yesterday's workout, but that didn't affect today, 'cause I mostly just did cardio. The scale was nice this morning and showed -1 pound, which was helpful.
Tomorrow I will take a break and I have to work all day. The real test will be Thursday.

Today at school, the only thing we could talk about was the tornado and the apple orchard. These 3-year old kids are very sad that the orchard was hurt. Fortunately they said on the news tonight that they plan to rebuild and be open by the fall. We also had a chance to talk about what we do during a tornado warning. I was glad to hear that most of them went to the basement.

I want to record a few more memories from childhood:
*The earliest thing I can remember is getting in trouble with my Mom. I must not have been too naughty because she asked me where her good Stacie had gone. I just remember thinking I was some interloper who had taken over the body of her good Stacie.
*When we lived in North Dakota, my Mom was driving us to church one day, and my Dad must have been home sick. Well, she drove off the road and down into a ditch. Several other cars stopped to help us and we were able to sit in their cars until ours was out of the ditch. Once out, we turned right around and went back home. We had to wake Daddy up to tell him what happened. It was quite the adventure for us, but I'm sure not for my Mom.
*When we lived on Guam?, my Mom worked at a day-care center as the cook. I remember she used to make tuna and noodles there just like at home. Yechh.
*If you know me, you know my front two teeth are caps. When I was six I was sleeping on my bed in a sleeping bag and fell face first onto the ceramic tile floor. My two front teeth were broken in half and there was actually pieces of tile stuck to the part that was left. My Dad let me pick a book out the next day and I picked a Garfield cartoon book. I remember thinking I was a little cool because they put things like braces on my teeth. Have I mentioned my dorkiness?

I've run out of memory for now. More later.

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